City of San Antonio

San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:30 PM Central Library, 600 Soledad, Auditorium, San Antonio, Texas 78205

The San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting will hold its regular meeting in the Central Library, 600 Soledad, Auditorium, San Antonio, Texas 78205 beginning at 4:30 PM. Once convened, the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting will take up the following items no sooner than the designated times. Presiding Trustee will be physically present at the location of the meeting that is open to the public during the open portions of the meeting.

Members of the public may provide comment on any agenda item, consistent with procedural rules governing the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees meetings and state law. Public comment may be provided as follows:

1. Submit written comments via the Library's website ( of Trustees). Comments are limited to 300 words and will be read for the record at the time the item is heard. Please include your full name, home or work address and item number. These statements will be read for the record during Public Comment.

2. Drop off a written statement at Central Library, 600 Soledad, San Antonio, Texas 78205. The written statement can be up to 300 words. Please include your full name, home or work address and item #, if applicable, you are speaking about. These statements will be read for the record during Public Comment.

3. Leave a voice message of a maximum three (3) minutes by dialing 210-207-2595. Your message will be played during the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address and item #, if applicable, you are speaking about. These statements will be played for the record during Public Comment.

4. Sign up in person: Members of the public are given three (3) minutes to speak, and groups are given nine (9) minutes to address the Board of Trustees. Members of the public must register in person (fill out provided sign in sheet) prior to 4:30 p.m.

Note: Comments may be submitted in English or Spanish. Written comments and voice messages must be received by Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at noon CT to allow time for translation. 

The YouTube livestream link is available on the Library’s website: of Trustees#176431873 meetings.

Once a quorum is established, the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting shall consider the following:
Roll Call

Silent Meditation

Approval of Minutes

Approval of the minutes from the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees meeting on October 25, 2023
Public Comments
Briefing and Possible Action on the following items
Report from Library Board Chair. Information. [Juspreet Kaur, Chair]
Reports from Trustees regarding Library related activities. Information.
Budget Report for October 2023. Information. [Gabriella Rauschuber, Department Fiscal Administrator]
Report from the Executive Committee. Information. [Juspreet Kaur, Chair]
Report from the Budget Committee. Information. [Jo Ann Harris, Chair]
Report from the Facilities Committee. Information. [Andrea Sanchez-Muniz, Chair]
Report from the Naming Committee. Information. [Judy Cruz, Chair]
Report from the Advocacy Committee. Information. [Judy Cruz, Chair]
Report from the Ad Hoc Board Policy Committee. Information. [Paul Stahl, Chair]
Report from the Ad Hoc ILA Committee. Information. [Juspreet Kaur, Chair]
Report from the San Antonio Public Library Foundation. [Amy Hone, Executive Director]
Report from the Friends of the San Antonio Public Library. [John Costello, President]
Staff Report: Update on the San Antonio Public Library's Strategic Plan. Information [Jessica Zurita, Assistant to the Director] (10 min.)
Consider authorizing the temporary closure of the Bazan Branch Library to undertake a roof replacement project. Action [Kathy Donellan, Assistant Library Director] (5 min.)
Consider and authorize the acquisition of a parcel of land adjacent to the Memorial Branch Library. Action [Kathy Donellan, Assistant Library Director] (5 min.)
Executive Session
A. Receive an update regarding the Interlocal Agreement with North East Independent School District for operations of the Molly Pruitt Branch Library
B. Receive an update regarding the Interlocal Agreement with Bexar County for Library Services.
C. Report on personnel related matters.
At any time during the meeting, the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting may meet in executive session under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

This meeting site is wheelchair accessible. Auxiliary Aids and Services, including Deaf
interpreters, must be requested forty-eight
[48] hours prior to the meeting. For assistance, call
(210) 207-2644 or 711 Texas Relay Service for the Deaf.


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