City of San Antonio

City Council A Session

Municipal Plaza Building
114 W. Commerce Street
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Thursday, April 3, 2025 11:00 AM Municipal Plaza Building

The City Council will hold its regular meeting in the Norma S. Rodriguez Council Chamber in the Municipal Plaza Building located at 114 W. Commerce Street beginning at the above referenced date and time for the following items.  Once convened, the City Council will take up the following items in any order during the meeting but no sooner than the designated times.
11:00 AM: Call to Order
Members of the public can comment on items on the agenda. To sign up to speak visit Click on meetings and events and select the meeting you’d like to participate in. Sign up to speak or submit a written comment. NOTE: Speaker registration closes 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Questions relating to these rules may be directed to the Office of the City Clerk at (210) 207-7253.

Individuals signing up for public comment may register for VIA bus fare or parking validation at VIA bus fare or parking at City Tower Garage (located at 100 Blk N. Main) will be provided to individuals who request the assistance. Staff will provide VIA bus fare passes and parking validation tickets in the lobby of City Council Chambers. 

To view the Live meeting please view our Live Stream
During the meeting, the City Council may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney-client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request.  To request these services call (210) 207-2098 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at  Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability. 
Intérpretes en español estarán disponibles durante la junta del consejo de la ciudad para los asistentes que lo requieran. También se proveerán intérpretes para los ciudadanos que deseen exponer su punto de vista al consejo de la ciudad. Para más información, llame al (210) 207-7253.

For additional information on any item on this agenda, please visit or call (210) 207-7080.
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of minutes for the City Council meetings of March 19, 2025 and March 20, 2025. 
Councilmember Whyte will be sworn in as Mayor Pro Tem for the period of April 3, 2025 through May 31, 2025.
Ordinance authorizing an expedited procurement for Reproductive Justice Health Care to support downstream reproductive and sexual healthcare services which may include out-of-state travel. [Erik Walsh, City Manager; Claude A. Jacob, Director, Health]
Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment
Ordinance approving a contract with Whirl-i-Gig, Inc., for an Arts Collection Management System for the Department of Arts & Culture for a total cost of $252,252 over the entire contract term. The term begins upon award and will remain in effect for a one-year period after implementation/setup with four additional one-year renewal options. Funding of $201,660 for the first year is from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund. Funding for subsequent years is contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Ordinance approving a contract with Social News Desk, Inc., to provide a Social Media Management Tool for the Communications & Engagement Department, beginning upon award for one year, with four additional, one-year renewal options, for an estimated total cost of $189,855 over the contract term. Funding of $35,760 for the first year is from the General Fund FY 2025 Adopted Budget. Funding for subsequent years is contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Ordinance approving contracts with (a) Central Electric Enterprises and Company, and (b) Zachman Enterprises, Inc., dba Fred Clark Electrical Contractor, to provide on-call electrical repairs and services for the San Antonio International Airport and Stinson Municipal Airport for an estimated cost of $500,000 annually, not to exceed $2.5 million over the contract term for both contracts, beginning upon award through February 28, 2027, with three additional, one-year renewal options. Funding is from the Airport Operating and Maintenance Fund. Funding for subsequent years is contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Ordinance approving the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated cost of $498,000 annually, included in the respective department's FY 2025 Adopted Budget: (A) Freeit Data Solutions, Inc., for Zero Trust Product A; (B) Freeit Data Solutions, Inc., for Zero Trust Product B; and (C) Carahsoft Technology Corp. for Zero Trust Product C. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Capital Improvements
Ordinance approving a task order to a Job Order Contract with Con-Cor, Inc, in the amount of $566,733.58, including one additive alternate for the construction of improvements for the Citywide Public Health and Safety Facility & Resiliency Improvements (South Police Substation) project. Funding is from 2022 General Obligation Bond funds included in the FY 2025 Capital Budget. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Acquisition, Sale or Lease of Real Property
Ordinance approving the acquisition through negotiation or condemnation, of interests in permanent and temporary parcels of land sufficient for project purposes of privately-owned real property and declaring the 2022 Bond Program project District 9 Traffic and Mobility Improvements (Stone Oak Area) to be a public use project and a public necessity for the acquisitions of six right of way easements and four temporary construction easements for the District 9 Traffic and Mobility Improvements (Stone Oak Area) project. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance approving the acquisition through negotiation or condemnation, of interests in permanent parcels of land sufficient for project purposes of privately-owned real property and declaring the 2022 Bond Program project Brookside Outfall (Esma Roadway Area Phase 2) to be a public use project and a public necessity for the acquisitions of portions of seven private properties, which includes three permanent fee simple parcels and four drainage easements located within the Brookside Subdivision in support of the 2022 Bond project Brookside Outfall (Esma Roadway Area Phase 2). [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance approving the acquisition through negotiation or condemnation, of interests in permanent and temporary parcels of land sufficient for project purposes of privately-owned real property and declaring the following two 2022 Bond funded projects to be public use projects and a public necessity for the acquisitions of: (a) portions of sixteen private property right of way easement interests located along Watson Road located within County Block 4298 for the Watson Road Phase 1 (Verano Pkwy to West of Palo Alto Rd) project; and (b) one variable width right of way easement out of New City Block 13975 totaling approximately 2.878 acres (125,366.54 square feet) for the Linear Greenway Trails, specifically the Leon Greenway Connection via Port San Antonio. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance approving two contracts for spay/neuter veterinary services at the new ACS clinics with Dr. Monica Rodriguez, DVM, in an amount not to exceed $114,000 and with Dr. Yvonne Smith, DVM, in an amount not to exceed $37,800, for a total amount not to exceed $151,800 for a term ending September 30, 2025. Funding is from the FY 2025 General Fund Adopted Budget. [David W. McCary, Assistant City Manager; Jonathon Gary, Director, Animal Care Services]
Ordinance amending a No-Cost Vaccination and Microchip Clinic contract with Esparza Veterinary Relief Services to increase the contract amount from $56,000 to $66,000 to provide an additional 500 free pet microchips and vaccines. Funding is from the FY 2025 General Fund Adopted Budget. [David W. McCary, Assistant City Manager; Jonathon Gary, Director, Animal Care Services]
Ordinance approving a Memorandum of Understanding and contract for Election Services with the Bexar County Elections Administrator for the May 3, 2025, General City Election and the June 7, 2025, Runoff Election (if needed), in the estimated amount of $1,630,533. Funding is from the FY 2025 General Fund. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
Ordinance approving the memorial street name designation of a portion of Montana Street, located between New Braunfels Avenue and Walters Street, as Bishop Donny Banks Memorial Way. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Michael Shannon, Director, Development Services]
Ordinance approving a contract with Blair Wildlife Consulting, LLC to support the operation and management of the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan for an estimated cost of up to $340,000 annually. The initial term of the contract will be for the period beginning April 1, 2025, through March 31, 2026, with five additional, one-year renewal options. Funding is from the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan Fund. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Michael Shannon, Director, Development Services Department]
Ordinance approving the greater:SATX 2025 Operations Plan and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Attraction Plan. Funding associated with the plans was approved as part of the FY 2025 Adopted Budget. [Alejandra Lopez, Assistant City Manager; Brenda Hicks -Sorensen, Director, Economic Development]
Ordinance amending the Interlocal Agreement with the Alamo Area Council of Governments to extend the third-party administration of the City’s Property Assessed Clean Energy Program for an additional two years. [Alejandra Lopez, Assistant City Manager; Brenda Hicks -Sorensen, Director, Economic Development]
Ordinance approving a contract with LiftFund in the amount of $1,385,000 for administration of the Economic Development Department’s 2025 Construction Mitigation Grant Program. Funding is from the FY 2025 General Fund. [Alejandra Lopez, Assistant City Manager; Brenda Hicks-Sorensen, Director, Economic Development]
Ordinance renewing a license agreement with the United States Air Force for the continued use of the Public Right of Way located near Lackland Air Force Base for a communications cable system and supporting facilities. The agreement is for a ten-year term and includes a license renewal fee of a onetime payment of $14,866, which will be deposited into the Information Technology Services Fund. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Craig Hopkins, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services Department]
City Manager's Report
City Manager’s Report 
Executive Session

At any time during the meeting, the City Council may recess into executive session in the C Room to consult with the City Attorney's Office (Texas Government Code Section 551.071) and deliberate or discuss any of the following:
Economic development negotiations pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087 (economic development).
The purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072 (real property).
Legal issues related to litigation involving the City pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney).
Legal issues related to emergency preparedness pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.071 (consultation with attorney).
Legal issues related to collective bargaining pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney). 

6:00 P.M. – If the Council has not yet adjourned, the presiding officer shall entertain a motion to continue the council meeting, postpone the remaining items to the next council meeting date, or recess and reconvene the meeting at a specified time on the following day.

Posted on: 03/28/2025  08:52 AM