City of San Antonio

Housing Commission Regular Meeting
Guidelines for participating in Public Comment:
Public comment may be provided in English, Spanish, or another language through any of the following methods:
1. Submit written comments 24 hours before the meeting. Written comments can be submitted multiple ways:
• By email to [email protected]
• On our webpage at
• By mail or dropped off at the Neighborhood & Housing Services Department, 100 W. Houston.
Written statements can be up to 300 words. Please include your full name, email address, phone number, and the item number you wish to speak on. Comments can be submitted in English, Spanish, or any other language.
2. Leave a voice message by dialing (210) 207-7950 up to 3 hours before the meeting.
Your message can be up to three minutes long and will be played during the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, and the item number you wish to speak on, if applicable.
3. Give your comments live during the meeting. Sign up by calling (210) 207-7950 up to 3 hours before the meeting or by attending in person up until the meeting begins.
Please include your full name, phone number to which to call you during the session, and the item number on which you would like to speak. City staff will call you when your item is up for discussion but cannot guarantee a specific time. You will be given up to three minutes to provide your comments.
When providing public comment, please note the following:
1) The length of time for public comment is at the Chair's discretion.
2) Members of the public may provide comment on any agenda item, consistent with procedural rules governing the Housing Commission Regular Meeting meetings and state law. This means comments must be made in relation to a specific agenda item. When signing up to speak the item number you which to comment on should be included and comments must be made to the full commission rather than individual members of the commission.

Housing Commission Regular Meeting
Thursday, February 20, 2025 | 4:00 PM | 2222 N Alamo St |
The Housing Commission is charged with overseeing and guiding the implementation of San Antonio’s Housing Policy Framework. As part of that charge, the Commission helps engage the public on this work.
Katie Wilson, Chair
Robert Abraham, At Large
Kristin Davila, At Large
Taneka Nikki Johnson, At Large
Crystal Requejo, At Large
Pedro Alanis, San Antonio Housing Trust Appointee
Roderick Sanchez, VIA Metro Appointee
Michael Reyes, Opportunity Home San Antonio Appointee
Cecilia Garcia Redmond, Greater SATX Appointee
Housing Commission meetings are held virtually and in-person when possible. The public will be able to attend virtually or in- person, subject to occupancy restrictions which vary by location. Links to participate virtually in English or Spanish are available at:
Katie Wilson, Chair
Robert Abraham, At Large
Kristin Davila, At Large
Taneka Nikki Johnson, At Large
Crystal Requejo, At Large
Pedro Alanis, San Antonio Housing Trust Appointee
Roderick Sanchez, VIA Metro Appointee
Michael Reyes, Opportunity Home San Antonio Appointee
Cecilia Garcia Redmond, Greater SATX Appointee
Housing Commission meetings are held virtually and in-person when possible. The public will be able to attend virtually or in- person, subject to occupancy restrictions which vary by location. Links to participate virtually in English or Spanish are available at:
Guidelines for participating in Public Comment:
Public comment may be provided in English, Spanish, or another language through any of the following methods:
1. Submit written comments 24 hours before the meeting. Written comments can be submitted multiple ways:
• By email to [email protected]
• On our webpage at
• By mail or dropped off at the Neighborhood & Housing Services Department, 100 W. Houston.
Written statements can be up to 300 words. Please include your full name, email address, phone number, and the item number you wish to speak on. Comments can be submitted in English, Spanish, or any other language.
2. Leave a voice message by dialing (210) 207-7950 up to 3 hours before the meeting.
Your message can be up to three minutes long and will be played during the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, and the item number you wish to speak on, if applicable.
3. Give your comments live during the meeting. Sign up by calling (210) 207-7950 up to 3 hours before the meeting or by attending in person up until the meeting begins.
Please include your full name, phone number to which to call you during the session, and the item number on which you would like to speak. City staff will call you when your item is up for discussion but cannot guarantee a specific time. You will be given up to three minutes to provide your comments.
When providing public comment, please note the following:
1) The length of time for public comment is at the Chair's discretion.
2) Members of the public may provide comment on any agenda item, consistent with procedural rules governing the Housing Commission Regular Meeting meetings and state law. This means comments must be made in relation to a specific agenda item. When signing up to speak the item number you which to comment on should be included and comments must be made to the full commission rather than individual members of the commission.
At any time during the meeting, the Housing Commission Regular Meeting may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request. To request these services call (210) 207-7950 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.
Posted on: 02/14/2025 05:23 PM