City of San Antonio

Planning Commission

Development and Business Services
1901 S. Alamo

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 2:00 PM 1901 S. Alamo
At any time during the meeting, the Planning Commission may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney-client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

It is the intent of the City that the presiding officer will be in attendance at this location.

Planning Commission Members
A majority of appointive members, other than ex officio, shall constitute a quorum.

Members of the public may provide comment on any agenda item, consistent with procedural rules governing the Planning Commission meetings and state law. Public comment may also be provided as follows:
1.  Submit written comments by email or mail by 4pm the day before the meeting to the case manager or drop off  written comments at 1901 S. Alamo by 10am on the day of the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, item # and/or address of the request. Written comments will be part of the official written record only.
2. Leave a voice message of a maximum of three minutes by dialing 210-206-(PLNG)7564 by 10am the day of the meeting. Your message will be played during the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, item # and/or address of the request.
Work Session 
1:30 PM –  Staff briefing regarding case recommendations and other items for consideration on the posted agenda. Commissioners may direct questions to staff regarding items noticed on the posted agenda or regarding City of San Antonio policies or operations in order to elicit a response of specific factual information or a recitation of existing policy pursuant to Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code.

Public Comment
Public Hearing and Consideration of the following Plats, Variances, Planned Unit Development (PUD) plans, Street Rename, Appeals, Land Transactions, Adoption and Amendments of the Neighborhood, Community and Sector Plans as Components of the Master Plan, and other items as identified below.
LAND-PLAT-22-11800313: Request by Steven Lieux, San Antonio LD, LLC, Hugh E. Long, Long Family Living Trust, and Thomas Craig Glendenning, Townhouses of lonesome Dove, LLC, for approval to replat and subdivide a tract of land to establish Lonesome Dove Hills Unit 3 Subdivision, generally located southwest of the intersection of Interstate 37 and South Loop 1604. Staff recommends Approval. (Stephanie Leef, Planner, (210)-207-8270, [email protected], Development Services Department).
23-11700001 - Request by Shavano Rogers Ranch North No. 3 LTD., and Salado Conservation Association Inc., and Bitterblue/ Rogers Water Interests LTD., and Rogers Shavano Ranch LTD. for approval of a Planned Unified Development to establish Shavano Highlands Unit 6B & 7 PUD, generally located northeast of the intersection of Loop 1604 and Northwest Military Highway. Staff recommends Approval. (Joslyn Fischer, Planner, (210) 207-8050, [email protected], Development Services Department)
LAND-PLAT-23-11800405: Request by Katie Steinhour and Marcus Steinhour for approval to replat a tract of land to establish 33 Champions Run, P.U.D. Subdivision, generally located in the northeast of the intersection of Stone Oak Parkway and Canyon Golf Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Amariah Williams, Planner, (210)-207-0111, [email protected], Development Services Department).
LAND-PLAT-24-11800021: Request by Gordon V. Hartman, Talley Extension Revitalization Initiative LLC., for approval to subdivide a tract of land to establish Morgan Heights Phase 7 Subdivision, generally located northwest of the intersection of Talley Road and Tamaron Pass. Staff recommends Approval. (Joslyn Fischer, Planner, (210)-207-8050, [email protected], Development Services Department).
LAND-PLAT- 24-11800141: Request by Jeremy Bryk and Francisco Gonzales, for approval to replat a tract of land to establish The Sunny Slopes Subdivision, generally located southwest of the intersection of Rigsby Avenue and Pecan Valley Drive. Staff recommends Approval. (Joslyn Fischer, Planner, (210)-207-8050, [email protected], Development Services Department).
LAND-PLAT-24-11800251: Request by Lloyd A. Denton Jr., The Rogers Shavano Ranch LTD., for approval to subdivide a tract of land to establish Shavano Retail Center Subdivision, generally located south of the intersection of Lockhill Selma Road and De Zavala Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Stephanie Leef, Planner, (210)-207-8270, [email protected], Development Services Department).
LAND-PLAT-24-11800374: Request by Jason Townsley, KB Home Lonestar Inc., for approval to replat and subdivide a tract of land to establish TMM Somerset Unit 2 Replat Subdivision, generally located northeast of the intersection of Watson Road and Somerset Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Stephanie Leef, Planner, (210)-207-8270, [email protected], Development Services Department).
LAND-PLAT-24-11800487: Request by David Rittenhouse, PHSA - Hidden Canyon 29 LLC, for approval to replat a tract of land to establish Hidden Canyon Subdivision Unit 2A P.U.D. Replat, generally located directly east of the termination of Mesa Canyon. Staff recommends Approval. (Amariah Williams, Planner, (210)-207-0111, [email protected], Development Services Department).
LAND-PLAT-24-11800200: Request by Mario Hune, Bexar County Emergency Services, District 8, for approval to subdivide a tract of land to establish Bexar County ESD #8 Subdivision, generally located northwest of the intersection of Anaqua Springs and Toutant Beauregard Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Amiah Parson, Planner, (210)-207-5014, [email protected], Development Services Department).
LAND-PLAT-24-11800259: Request by Robert J. Grimm, Trio Investments, for approval to subdivide a tract of land to establish I-10 at 1604 Commercial Subdivision, generally located northwest of the intersection of Interstate Highway 10 East and Northeast Loop 1604. Staff recommends Approval. (Amariah Williams, Planner, (210)-207-0111, [email protected], Development Services Department.
Comprehensive Master Plan Amendments
PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2024-11600034 (Council District 5): A request by Russell Felan, representative, for Approval of a Resolution amending the Nogalitos/South Zarzamora Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use classification from from “Low Density Residential" to "Mixed Use" on Lot 3, Block 38, NCB 6281, located at 608 South Park Boulevard. Staff recommends Denial. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2024-10700083) (Samantha Benavides, Zoning Planner, 210-207-6034, [email protected], Development Services Departmet)
PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2025-11600007 (Council District 10): A request by Brown & McDonald, PLLC, representative, for Approval of a Resolution amending the San Antonio International Airport Vicinity Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use classification from “Parks/Open Space" to "Neighborhood Commercial" on 8.744 acres out of CB 5078 and NCB 12163, located at 528 Ira Lee Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2025-10700030 S) (Alexa Retana, Zoning Planner, 210-207-8062, [email protected], Development Services Department)
PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2025-11600008 (Council District 1): A request by Patrick Christensen, representative, for Approval of a Resolution amending the Near Northwest Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use classification from “High Density Residential" to "Community Commercial" on Lot 16H, NCB 8407, located at 125 De Chantle Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2025-10700032 CD) (Bronte Frere, Zoning Planner, 210-207-5876, [email protected], Development Services Department)
PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2025-11600009 (Council District 1): A request by Nathan Moore, representative, for Approval of a Resolution amending the Near Northwest Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use classification from “Urban Low-Density Residential" to "Neighborhood Commercial" on Lot 19, Block 37, NCB 8805, located at 1837 Santa Monica Street. Staff recommends Denial. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2025-10700028) (Samantha Benavides, Zoning Planner, 210-207-6034, [email protected], Development Services Department)
Other Items
A resolution approving the return of 25.40-acre tract of land that was gifted to Southside Independent School District (“SISD”) back to Southstar Mission del Lago Developer LLC. and approve a Right of First Refusal on a 13.60-acre tract of land, in the New City Block (N.C.B.) 11166, within the MDL TIRZ to support the City's affordable housing goals. (Deborah Bell, Senior Real Estate Specialist. (210) 207-5460, [email protected]).
An appeal of staff denial of an Administrative Exception to exempt a residential subdivision development from the requirement to place a city sidewalk on the west side of the Heath Circle Drive adjacent to development. (Kevin Collins,PE, DSD Engineer, 210 207-0265, [email protected])
Approval of Minutes
Consideration and Approval of the February 26th Planning Commission minutes.
At any time during the meeting, the Planning Commission may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request.  To request these services call (210) 207-6310 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at  Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability. 

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