City of San Antonio

Housing Commission Annual Retreat

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 9:00 AM 8400 NW Military HWY

The Housing Commission is charged with overseeing and guiding the implementation of San Antonio’s Housing Policy Framework. As part of that charge, the Commission helps engage the public on this work.

Katie Wilson, Chair
Robert Abraham, At Large

Kristin Davila, At Large
Taneka Nikki Johnson, At Large

Crystal Requejo, At Large
Pedro Alanis, San Antonio Housing Trust Appointee

Roderick Sanchez, VIA Metro Appointee
Michael Reyes, Opportunity Home San Antonio Appointee
Cecilia Garcia Redmond, Greater SATX Appointee

Housing Commission will hold a retreat to discuss Fiscal Year 2025 work. This retreat is not open to the public and no consideration of any items for action will occur.

Briefing and Discussion on the following items
Annual Retreat for Housing Commission to discuss Fiscal Year 2025 work. [Veronica Garcia, Director, Neighborhood and Housing Services Department]

At any time during the meeting, the Housing Commission Annual Retreat may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
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