City of San Antonio

Zoning Commission

Development and Business Services
1901 South Alamo

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 1:00 PM 1901 S. Alamo

At any time during the meeting, the Zoning Commission may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney-client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

It is the intent of the City that the presiding officer will be in attendance at this location.

Members of the public may provide comment on any agenda item, consistent with procedural rules governing the Zoning Commission meetings and state law. Public comment may also be provided as follows:
1.  Submit written comments by email or mail by 4pm the day before the meeting to the case manager
drop off  written comments at 1901 S Alamo by 10am on the day of the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, item # and/or address of the request. Written comments will be part of the official written record only.

2. Leave a voice message of a maximum of three minutes by dialing 210206(ZONG) 9664 by 10am the day of the meeting. Your message will be played during the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, item # and/or address of the request.

Work Session 

12:30 P. M. Staff briefing regarding case recommendations and other items for consideration on the posted agenda. Commissioners may direct questions to staff regarding items noticed on the posted agenda or regarding City of San Antonio policies or operations in order to elicit a response of specific factual information or a recitation of existing policy pursuant to Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code.

Zoning Items
(POSTPONED) ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700069 S (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "C-1 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Light Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-1 S MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Light Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for Athletic Field – Outdoor on 3.9626 acres out of NCB 8324, located at 5317 West Commerce Street. (Samantha Benavides, Zoning Planner, 210-207-6034, [email protected], Development Services Department)
(Continued from 7/16/2024) ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700083 (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "R-5 CD MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for a Duplex to "IDZ-3 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" High Intensity Infill Development Zone Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted for eight (8) dwelling units on Lot 3, Block 38, NCB 6281, located at 608 South Park Boulevard. Staff recommends Denial. (Associated Plan Amendment PA-2024-11600034) (Samantha Benavides, Zoning Planner, 210-207- 6034, [email protected], Development Services Department)
(Continued from 8/6/2024) ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700366 CD (Council District 6): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2 MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District, "C-2NA MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District, and "C-2NA CD MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for Motor Vehicle Sales to "C-2 CD MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for Oversize Vehicle Storage on Lot 160, NCB 8237, located at 555 Historic Old US Highway 90. Staff recommends Denial. (Alexa Retana, Zoning Planner, 210-207-8062, [email protected], Development Services Department)
(Continued from 8/6/2024) ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700122 CD (Council District 10): A request for a change in zoning from "MF-25 CD AHOD" Low Density Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for a Professional Office to "MF-25 CD AHOD" Low Density Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for a Professional Office with a Major Site Plan Amendment for an increase in overall building square footage and impervious coverage on Lot 9, Block A, NCB 12108, located at 2876 Nacogdoches Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Samantha Benavides, Zoning Planner, 210-207-6034, [email protected], Development Services Department)
(Continued from 8/6/2024) ZONING CASE ZONING-Z-2024-10700138 S (Council District 6): A request for a change in zoning from "C-3 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" General Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-1 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Light Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 S MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for a Hospital on 7.081 acres out of NCB 17673, generally located in the 1900 block of Rogers Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Kellye Sanders, Planning Coordinator, 210-207-2187, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700104 (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "I-2 AHOD" Heavy Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 IDZ AHOD" Commercial Infill Development Zone Overlay Airport Hazard Overlay District on the west 120.26 feet of Lot 48, and the west 119.75 feet of Lot 49, NCB 2585, located at 417 Probandt Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Bronte Frere, Zoning Planner, 210-207-5876, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700107 (Council District 7): A request for a change in zoning from "RM-4 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Residential Mixed Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ-1 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Limited Intensity Infill Development Zone Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in “RM-4” Residential Mixed District and a Noncommercial Parking Lot on Lot 92, Block B, NCB 11513, located at 4202 Willard Drive. Staff recommends Approval. (Kellye Sanders, Planning Coordinator, 210-207-2187, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700110 S (Council District 3): A request for a change in zoning from "PUD MF-18 AHOD" Planned Unit Development Limited Density Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Reduced Perimeter Setback of 10-feet to"C-2 S AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use for a Carwash on approximately 1.850 acres, out of the original Lot 3, Block 25, NCB 16623, generally located in the 11000 block of South US Highway 181. Staff recommends Approval. (Bronte Frere, Zoning Planner, 210-207-5876, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE ZONING-Z-2024-10700130 (Council District 10): A request for a change in zoning from "MPCD ERZD" Master Planned Community Edwards Recharge Zone District to "MPCD ERZD" Master Planned Community Edwards Recharge Zone District for a Major Site Plan Amendment on Lot 5, Block 31, NCB 17365, out of an original 38.615 acres, located at 16918 Bulverde Road. The remaining MPCD area is unchanged. Staff recommends Approval. (Alexa Retana, Zoning Planner, 210-207-8062, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700135 CD (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "C-3 AHOD" General Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-3 CD AHOD" General Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for Oversized Vehicle Storage on Lot 64, Block 2, NCB 1774, located at 1010 Warner Avenue. Staff recommends Denial. (Associated Plan Amendment Case Z-2024-11600047) (Alexa Retana, Zoning Planner, 210-207-8062, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700136 CD (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from “R-4 AHOD” Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to “R-4 CD AHOD” Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional use for Computer Software Retail on Lots 17 and 18, Block 91, NCB 7091, located at 1529 Lee Hall. Staff recommends Approval. (Bronte Frere, Zoning Planner, 210-207-5876, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700144 (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "C-3NA UC-4 AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales North St. Mary's Street Urban Corridor Overlay Airport Hazard Overlay District, "C-3NA AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Airport Hazard Overlay District, and "IDZ-3 AHOD" High Intensity Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District, 900 dwelling units, and Bar and/or Tavern to "IDZ-3 UC-4 AHOD" High Intensity Infill Development Zone North St. Mary's Street Urban Corridor Overlay Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District, 260 dwelling units, and Bar and/or Tavern Without Cover Charge 3 or More Days Per Week and "IDZ-3 AHOD" High Intensity Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District, 260 dwelling units, and Bar and/or Tavern Without Cover Charge 3 or More Days Per Week on Lot 12, Lot 13, Lot 14, Lot 20, the south 142.5 feet of Lot 4, the north 48.3 feet of Lot 11, the north 48.33 feet of the south 96.66 feet of Lot 11, Block 2, NCB 3027 and 0.046 acres out of NCB 3027, located at 302 West Josephine Street, 312 West Josephine Street, 407 West Grayson Street, 111 Polk Street, 115 Polk Street, and 119 Polk Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Samantha Benavides, Zoning Planner, 210-207-6034, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700146 (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "O-1 AHOD" Office Airport Hazard Overlay District to "NC AHOD" Neighborhood Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 12, Block 4, NCB 2047, located at 1818 North Colorado Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Bronte Frere, Zoning Planner, 210-207-5876, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700154 (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "R-4 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2NA MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District on the west 37.4 feet of Lot 1, NCB 7005, located at 159 Castroville Road. Staff recommends Denial, with a Alternate Recommendation. (Alexa Retana, Zoning Planner, 210-207-8062, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700156 S (Council District 3): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2 AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 S AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for a Carwash on Lot 2, Block 2, NCB 10979, located at 2815 Southeast Military Drive. Staff recommends Approval. (Samantha Benavides, Zoning Planner, 210-207-6034, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700157 (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "O-1 UC-5 AHOD" Office Main Ave./McCullough Ave. Urban Corridor Overlay Airport Hazard Overlay District to "NC UC-5 AHOD" Neighborhood Commercial Main Ave./McCullough Ave. Urban Corridor Overlay Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 10, Block 3, NCB 1726, located at 214 East Ashby Place. Staff recommends Approval. (Alexa Retana, Zoning Planner, 201-207-8062, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700158 (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2NA MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ-2 MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Medium Intensity Infill Development Zone Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted for Auto and Light Truck Repair and Wrecker Service on Lot 139, NCB 11997, located at 6407 West Commerce Street. Staff recommends Denial. (Samantha Benavides, Zoning Planner, 210-207-6034, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700160 S (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "R-5 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-5 S MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for Child Care Facility (7-12 Children) on Lot 9, Block 2, NCB 8251, located at 435 Precious Drive. Staff recommends Denial. (Bronte Frere, Zoning Planner, 210-207-5876, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700162 (Council District 8): A request for a change in zoning from "MPCD GC-1 UC-1 MLOD-1 MLR-1 AHOD" Master Planned Community Hill Country Gateway Corridor IH-10/FM 1604 Urban Corridor Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "MPCD GC-1 UC-1 MLOD-1 MLR-1 AHOD" Master Planned Community Hill Country Gateway Corridor IH-10/FM 1604 Urban Corridor Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Major Site Plan Amendment on approximately 11.638 acres, out of an original 89.367 acres, NCB 14858, generally located in the 15000 block of Interplace Road and in the 15000 block of Anthem Parkway. The remaining MPCD area is unchanged. Staff recommends Approval. (Kellye Sanders, Planning Coordinator, 210-207-2187, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700163 CD (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2 MC-3 MLOD-3 MLR-2 AHOD" Commercial Austin Highway/Harry Wurzbach (TAPS Memorial Boulevard) Metropolitan Corridor Overlay Martindale Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 CD MC-3 MLOD-3 MLR-2 AHOD" Commercial Austin Highway/Harry Wurzbach (TAPS Memorial Boulevard) Metropolitan Corridor Overlay Martindale Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for Tattoo Parlor on the northeast 160 feet of Lot 3, NCB 12172, located at 1950 Austin Highway. Staff recommends Approval. (Bronte Frere, Zoning Planner, 210-207-5876, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2024-10700167 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from “C-1” Light Commercial District, “C-2” Commercial District, “C-2NA” Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales District, “C-3” General Commercial District, “C-3NA” General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales District, “I-1” General Industrial District, “I-2” Heavy Industrial District, “MF-33” Multi-Family District, “O-2” High-Rise Office District, “R-4” Residential Single-Family District, to “R-1” Single-Family Residential District, “R-2” Single-Family Residential District, “R-3” Single-Family Residential District, “R-3 CD” Single-Family Residential District with a Conditional Use for two dwelling units, “R-4” Residential Single-Family District, “R-4 CD” Residential Single-Family District with a Conditional Use for two, or four dwelling units, “R-5” Residential Single-Family District, “R-6” Residential Single-Family District, “R-6 CD” Residential Single-Family District with a Conditional Use for two dwelling units, “RM-4” Residential Mixed District, “RM-5” Residential Mixed District, “RM-6” Residential Mixed District, “MF-18” Limited Density Multi-Family District, “MF-25” Low Density Multi-Family District, “MF-33” Multi-Family District, “NC” Neighborhood Commercial District, “C-1” Light Commercial District, “C-2” Commercial District, “C-2NA” Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales District, “I-1” General Industrial District, “IDZ-1” Limited Intensity Infill Development Zone with uses permitted in C-1, and “IDZ-2” Medium Intensity Infill Development Zone with uses permitted in C-2, and with all overlay districts of “MLOD-3” Martindale Army Military Lighting Overlay, “EP-1” Facility Parking/Traffic Control District, "HL" Historic Landmark District, and “AHOD” Airport Hazard Overlay District remaining unchanged on approximately 427 acres out of NCB 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1253, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1347, 1350, 1351, 1353, 1354, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1366, 2862, 6056, 6057, 6156, 6157, 6158, 6159, 6159, 6160, 6340, 6341, 6343, 6375, 6376, 6378, 6449, 6452, 6621, 6622, 6623, 6624, 6625, 6626, 6627, 6628, 6629, 6630, 6631, 6632, 6633, 6907, 6908, 9535, 9536, 9537, 9538, 9539, 9540, 9541, 9543, 9545, and 9550 generally bounded by East Houston Street to the South, North New Braunfels Avenue to the West, and the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks to the North and East. Staff recommends Approval. (Forrest Wilson, Principal Planner, 210-207-0157, [email protected], Development Services Department)
Approval of Minutes
Consideration and Approval of the August 6, 2024 Zoning Commission Minutes.
At any time during the meeting, the Zoning Commission Meeting may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request.  To request these services call (210) 207-6310 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at  Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability. 

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