City of San Antonio

San Antonio Diez y Seis Commission
Culture Commons Gallery
115 Plaza de Armas
San Antonio, Texas 78205
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 5:00 PM Plaza de Armas Building

The San Antonio Diez y Seis Commission will hold its regular meeting at Plaza de Armas Building, beginning at 5:00 PM. Once convened, the San Antonio Diez y Seis Commission will take up the following items.

Citizens that wish to speak before the San Antonio Diez y Seis Commission must be signed in before the meeeting and specify the agenda item they wish to speak on. If Citizen does not specify an agenda item, they will be heard during Public Comments section. Each individual/organization will have a maximum of 3 minutes to speak. Those not registered to speak will be given the opportunity to address the San Antonio Diez y Seis Commission at the next regularly-scheduled meeting. 
Call to Order
Opening Comments
Briefing and Possible Action on the Following Items
San Antonio Diez y Seis Commission Overview (Briefing)
San Antonio Diez y Seis Commission FY 2024 Budget (Action)
Diez y Seis Commissioner Financial Disclosure Report (Briefing)
Public Comments
Announcements and Reports
At any time during the meeting, the San Antonio Diez y Seis Commission may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request.  To request these services call (210) 206-ARTS or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at  Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.

  Posted on: 08/08/2024  03:49 PM