City of San Antonio

City Council A Session

Municipal Plaza Building
114 W. Commerce Street
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Thursday, June 6, 2024 9:00 AM Municipal Plaza Building

The City Council will hold its regular meeting in the Norma S. Rodriguez Council Chamber in the Municipal Plaza Building located at 114 W. Commerce Street beginning at the above referenced date and time for the following items.  Once convened, the City Council will take up the following items in any order during the meeting but no sooner than the designated times.
9:00AM: Call to Order
Members of the public can comment on items on the agenda. To sign up to speak visit Click on meetings and events and select the meeting you’d like to participate in. Sign up to speak or submit a written comment. NOTE: Speaker registration closes 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Questions relating to these rules may be directed to the Office of the City Clerk at (210) 207-7253.

Individuals signing up for public comment may register for VIA bus fare or parking validation at VIA bus fare or parking at City Tower Garage (located at 100 Blk N. Main) will be provided to individuals who request the assistance. Staff will provide VIA bus fare passes and parking validation tickets in the lobby of City Council Chambers. 

To view the Live meeting please view our Live Stream
During the meeting, the City Council may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney-client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request.  To request these services call (210) 207-2098 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at  Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability. 
Intérpretes en español estarán disponibles durante la junta del consejo de la ciudad para los asistentes que lo requieran. También se proveerán intérpretes para los ciudadanos que deseen exponer su punto de vista al consejo de la ciudad. Para más información, llame al (210) 207-7253.

For additional information on any item on this agenda, please visit or call (210) 207-7080.
Pledge of Allegiance
Capital Improvements
Ordinance approving a change order to a construction contract with Gutier, LLC for Stinson Terminal and Airside Construction and Repairs in the amount of $323,112.88 for the purchase and installation of additional HVAC functions and mechanical screen and allow an additional $194,887.12 in owner’s contingency. Funding is from a reallocation from the Stinson Airfield Generator Building Reconstruction project to the Stinson Terminal Roof Replacement project and is included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [Jeff Coyle, Assistant City Manager; Jesus Saenz, Director, Aviation]
Ordinance approving a task order to a Job Order Contract with Amstar, Inc., in the amount of $1,619,500 for construction work at the Calderon Clubhouse (Boys and Girls Club of San Antonio). Funding is from 2022 General Obligation Bond Program funds included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance approving a task order to a Job Order Contract with Amstar, Inc., in the amount of $1,821,500 for construction work at the Eastside Clubhouse (Boys and Girls Club of San Antonio). Funding is from 2022 General Obligation Bond Program funds included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance awarding a construction contract to E-Z Bel Construction, LLC in the amount not to exceed $598,135.30 of which $77,357.30 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to their existing infrastructure related to the construction of the Sienna Basin Revision project. Funding is from prior debt proceeds included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [John Peterek, Interim, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance awarding a construction contract to E-Z Bel Construction, LLC in the amount not to exceed $4,395,212.53, of which $141,057.88 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System, and $155,550 will be reimbursed by CPS Energy for necessary utility adjustments and new infrastructure related to the construction of Sonterra Road Extension (Sonterra to Loop 1604) project. Funding is from 2022-2027 General Obligation Bond funds included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvements Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance approving a contract amendment in the increased amount of $1,500,000 for a total construction contract value of $10,800,000 with The Sabinal Group, LLC for the fabrication and installation of a multimedia exhibit related to the World Heritage Center project. Funding is from previously authorized General Obligation Bond and Certificates of Obligation funds included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works Department]
Ordinance 1) awarding a construction contract to TCL Construction Enterprises, LLC, in the amount of $597,632.40 for the Al Rhode Park Improvements project and for the construction of a pedestrian bridge and trailhead improvements as part of the Linear Greenway Trails (Citywide Greenway Connections & Enhancements) project, and 2) reallocating $85,926 from the Tree Planting Initiative Project to the Al Rhode Project for tree planting and irrigation. Funding is from 2022 General Obligation Bond Program funds included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance approving the following items related to the Perrin Homestead Historic Center Project, a General Obligation Bond, Certificates of Obligation and Tax Notes funded project: (a) the execution of a Tender, Release and Substitution Agreement with US Casualty and Surety Insurance Company (“US Casualty”) to accept funds in an amount not to exceed $831,235 from US Casualty and to accept US Casualty’ tendered contractor, J.C. Stoddard Construction; (b) the award of the construction contract to J.C. Stoddard Construction in the amount of $1,689,017 for the completion of the Perrin Homestead Historic Center Project; (c) the execution of an amendment in the increased amount of $77,745 for a total Professional Design Services Agreement amount of $314,049.53 with Rehler Vaughn and Koone (“R.V.K.”) to perform construction administration services; and (d) authorizing the allocation of the $831,235 accepted from US Casualty, and reallocation of $262,113.46 in 2017 General Obligation Bond funds and $337,886.54 in General Funds, all totaling an additional $1,431,235, to the Perrin Homestead Historic Center project included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance accepting a construction reimbursement in the amount of $144,800 from Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam (LAN, Inc.) for design alterations to the North Main Avenue and Soledad Street (Pecan Street to Navarro Street) Project, a 2017 General Obligation Bond Program funded project included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvements Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance awarding the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Task Order Contract Package 11 to H. L. Zumwalt Construction, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $9,751,629.50, of which $259,737.50 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System and $6,270 will be reimbursed by CPS Energy for necessary adjustments to their existing infrastructure. Funding is from the FY 2024 General Fund, Advanced Transportation District Fund, 2022 General Obligation Bond Program, debt proceeds, and other funding sources included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance awarding the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Task Order Contract Package 15 to H. L. Zumwalt Construction, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $9,645,791, of which $228,900 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System and $11,812.50 will be reimbursed by CPS Energy for necessary adjustments to their existing infrastructure. Funding of $1,183,879.25 is from FY 2023 and $8,221,199.25 is from FY 2024 General Fund, Advanced Transportation District Fund, 2022 General Obligation Bond Program, debt proceeds, and other funding sources included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance approving an Advanced Funding Agreement between the City of San Antonio and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), accepting reimbursement not to exceed $11,988,000 from TxDOT for construction-related expenses, and authorizing payment in the amount not to exceed $210,510 to TxDOT for administrative oversight of federal funds for the Old Highway 90 Phase 2 (State Highway 151 to US Highway 90 West) project. The City of San Antonio match for this project of $2,997,000 will be paid with funding from 2022 General Obligation Bond Funds included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance approving the execution of an Advance Funding Agreement between the City of San Antonio and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) authorizing payment in an amount not to exceed $9,828 payable to TxDOT for administrative oversight of federal funds and accepting $1,036,633 in Highway Safety Improvements Program infrastructure improvements of traffic signals at three locations, a FY 2023 Traffic Signal Installation project. Funding is from the General Fund. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance approving the execution of an Advance Funding Agreement between the City of San Antonio and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) authorizing payment in an amount not to exceed $18,143 payable to TxDOT for administrative oversight of federal funds and accepting $1,503,436 in Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) infrastructure improvements of traffic signals along ten corridors, a FY 2024 Traffic Signal Installation project, located Citywide. Funding is from the General Fund and is included in the FY 2024 Adopted Budget. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Acquisition, Sale or Lease of Real Property
Ordinance approving a lease with Falcon Inspection, LLC for Building 660B and ground space located at 1130 99th Street at the Stinson Municipal Airport for a term of two years with the option to extend for three additional, one-year terms. The lease will generate annual rent of $39,485.82 which will be deposited into the Airport Operating and Maintenance Fund. [Jeff Coyle, Assistant City Manager; Jesus Saenz, Director, Aviation]
Ordinance amending the Sublease Agreement with Jefferson Woodlawn Lake Community Development Corporation for office space at 1800 Fredericksburg Road for the continued use by Code Enforcement staff, at the initial annual rental amount of $8,000. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Jorge A. Perez, Director, Building and Equipment Services]
Ordinance extending three antenna license agreements with Alpha Media, LLC, and San Antonio RadioWorks, LLC, effective September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2029, for a total of $491,461.98 in license fees. Revenue will be deposited into the General Fund. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Director, Center City Development & Operations]
Ordinance amending the River Walk Lease Agreement with Cajun Riverport, Inc. d/b/a Boudro’s Restaurant to add an additional 171 square feet. Additional revenue of $35,500 over the five-year lease term will be received by the City and deposited into the Riverwalk Capital Improvement Fund. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Director, Center City Development and Operations Department]
Ordinance approving a five-year lease extension between the City of San Antonio and Crown Castle International Corp. for the premises at 6023 West Commerce Street from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2029 for $95,500 in revenue. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Craig Hopkins, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services]
Ordinance approving the acquisition, on behalf of the San Antonio Water System, through negotiation or condemnation of interests in land sufficient for project purposes involving four permanent water easements in NCB 18081, 18053, 18058,18086, 18049, 18674, 18695 and 18086, located in the northwest quadrant of San Antonio, beginning near Culebra Creek north of Grissom Rd moving southeasterly along the Culebra Creek Greenway ending near Pipers Bluff road in Council District 6 related to the W-52 Culebra Creek Sewer Capacity Relief Project; declaring the project to be for public use and a public necessity for the acquisition. [John Peterek, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance authorizing the closure, vacation, and abandonment of the 0.352 acre (15,314 square feet) unimproved Wintergarden Drive Public Right-of-Way within New City Block 13940, as requested by GFB Services, Inc. for a fee of $46,623. [John Peterek, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance authorizing the closure, vacation and abandonment of a 0.122 acre (5,327 square feet) improved Rossy Street Public Right-of-Way within New City Block 132, as requested by 425 N. Flores, Ltd., for a fee of $240,100. [John Peterek, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Grant Applications and Awards
Ordinance authorizing the acceptance upon award of up to $40,000 from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and International Rescue Committee for the Immigrant Youth and Young Adult Education and Career Technical Assistance Grant for the term April 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025 to support the educational and career outcomes of immigrant youth. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; Melody Woosley, Director, Human Services]
City Code Amendments
Ordinance amending Chapter 19 of the City Code to update Traffic Control Schedules of Devices, adding locations citywide where new installations of traffic control devices have occurred, and removing locations citywide where devices have been altered or removed. [John Peterek, Interim Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Boards, Commissions and Committee Appointments
Approving the following board, commission, and committee appointments for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire May 31, 2025. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
A. Appointing Sarah Davis (Mayoral) to the Historic and Design Review Compliance and Technical Advisory Board
B. Appointing Glenn “Sterling” Zinsmeyer (District 9) to the LGBTQ+ Advisory Board
C. Appointing Melissa “Mia” Loseff to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 30 - Westside
D. Appointing Larry Mendez and reappointing Amy Putney to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 33 - Northeast Corridor
Approving the following board, commission, and committee appointments for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire May 31, 2025, or for the terms as shown below. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
A. Appointing Isabel Garcia (District 2) to the Historic and Design Review Compliance and Technical Advisory Board
B. Appointing Dr. Diana Sanchez Lira (District 3) to the Linear Creekway Parks Advisory Board
C. Appointing Diana Rodriguez-Ruiz (District 2) to the San Antonio Early Childhood Education Municipal Development Corporation for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire May 31, 2026
D. Appointing Emilie Herrera (District 2) to the Small Business Advisory Commission
E. Appointing Sarah Bluebonnet to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 32 - Mission Drive-In
Approving Robert Benke as the At-Large Appointee to the Building Standards Board for the remainder of an unexpired term ending May 31, 2025. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
Reappointing Eduardo Belmares as the representative of the South Sector to the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) Board of Trustees for the remainder of an unexpired term ending May 31, 2028. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
Ordinance reappointing Alejandra Lopez (City of San Antonio), Patricia Muzquiz Cantor (City of San Antonio), Dan Curry (Bexar County) and Thomas Guevara (Bexar County) to the SABC Soccer PFC Board of Directors for the remainder of unexpired terms of office to expire May 31, 2025. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
Ordinance approving five surgery contracts for feral cat spay and neuter with Animal Defense League of Texas, Footbridge Foundation, San Antonio Humane Society, Spay-Neuter Assistance Program, Inc., and Spay Neuter Inject Protect San Antonio for a term to begin May 16, 2024, through September 30, 2024, with two, one-year renewal options for an annual amount not to exceed $175,000 and a total contract amount not to exceed $525,000. Funding is from the FY 2024 Adopted General Fund Budget. Funding for subsequent years is contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget. [David W. McCary, Assistant City Manager; David McCary, Interim Director, Animal Care Services]
Ordinance amending three community spay and neuter contracts with Spay Neuter Inject Protect San Antonio (SNIPSA), Spay Neuter Assistance Program, Inc. (SNAP), and Spay Neuter Network (SNN) for 2,500 more spay/neuter surgeries for an amount not to exceed $315,000 for FY 2024. Funding is from the FY 2024 Adopted General Fund Budget. Funding for subsequent years is  contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget. [David W. McCary, Assistant City Manager; David W. McCary, Interim Director, Animal Care Services]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 80321 that established the Diez y Seis Commission, approving changes to its structure, and process for appointing members. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; Krystal Jones, Director, Department of Arts & Culture]
Ordinance approving an agreement between the City of San Antonio and the Alamo Colleges Foundation, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $100,000, to support the production of the The Other Side Of The Mirror (Al Otro Lado Del Espejo) exhibition in Querétaro, Mexico. Funding of $75,000 is from the General Fund, and $25,000 is from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund FY 2024 Adopted Budget. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; Krystal Jones, Director, Department of Arts & Culture]
Ordinance approving the settlement of a personal injury lawsuit styled Anthony Corona v. City of San Antonio, Cause No. 2021-CI-09837 in the 408th Judicial District Court, Bexar County, Texas, for the total amount of $140,000. [Andy Segovia, City Attorney]
Ordinance approving the settlement of a motor vehicle lawsuit styled Alyson Esteves, Alekzander Nevarez and Laneice Guerrero v. City of San Antonio, Cause No. 2022CI00423 in the 225th Judicial District Court, Bexar County, Texas, for the total of $125,000 to Alyson Esteves and $105,000 to Laneice Guerrero. [Andy Segovia, City Attorney]
Ordinance approving an Airport Network Programming Service Agreement with Travel Content LLC dba ReachTV to provide network programming services for passengers at the San Antonio International Airport for an initial five term with an automatic renewal of two, one-year periods. This agreement will generate at least $60,000 in annual revenue which will be deposited into the Airport Operating and Maintenance Fund. [Jeff Coyle, Assistant City Manager; Jesus Saenz, Director, Aviation]
Ordinance approving an Event Merchandise Services agreement with River City Merchandising to provide staffing and equipment to sell event-approved merchandise at the Alamodome during events for a one-year term, with two, one-year renewal options, generating approximately $350,000 in annual commissions to the City, and an estimated total of $1,050,000 for the full term of the Agreement; and approximately $233,333 in annual service fees to River City Merchandising, for an estimated total of $699,999 for the full term of the Agreement. Revenue generated will be deposited into the Community and Visitor Facilities Fund. [Alejandra Lopez, Assistant City Manager; Patricia M. Cantor, Executive Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Ordinance authorizing a portion of the downtown area to be designated as a Clean Zone in order to regulate certain commercial activity on public property in connection with the 2025 NCAA Men’s Final Four Basketball Tournament; designating the geographical boundaries for the Clean Zone in the downtown area; providing for special Clean Zone license permits; and establishing criminal penalties to be imposed for violation of this Ordinance with a fine not to exceed $2,000. [Alejandra Lopez, Assistant City Manager; Patricia Muzquiz Cantor, Executive Director, Convention & Sports Facilities]
Ordinance authorizing and approving the extension and ratification of the City of San Antonio Financial Advisor Services contracts with Hilltop Securities, Inc. and Estrada Hinojosa & Company, Inc. for a two year extension term to commence on May 1, 2024 and terminate on April 30, 2026. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Ordinance authorizing an agreement with It’s Time Texas, Inc. for the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District’s Mayor’s Fitness Council Student Ambassador Program to address healthy eating, mental wellness and physical activity in an amount up to $50,000 for the term beginning June 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024, with the option to renew for one, one-year term, for a total contract amount up to $100,000, inclusive of renewal. Funding of $50,000 is from the General Fund FY 2024 Adopted Budget. Funding for subsequent years is contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget. [Erik Walsh, City Manager; Claude A. Jacob, Director, Health]
Ordinance approving a professional service agreement with San Antonio Rising Stars, Inc. in the amount of $250,000 from asset forfeiture funds to support the San Antonio Police Department's Community Crime Prevention Program, for a one-year term with a one year renewal option. [Maria Villagomez, Assistant City Manager; William McManus, Police Chief, Police Department]
City Manager's Report
City Manager's Report
Executive Session

At any time during the meeting, the City Council may recess into executive session in the B Room to consult with the City Attorney's Office (Texas Government Code Section 551.071) and deliberate or discuss any of the following:
Economic development negotiations pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087 (economic development).
The purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072 (real property).
Legal issues related to litigation involving the City pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney).
Legal issues related to emergency preparedness pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.071 (consultation with attorney).
Legal issues related to collective bargaining pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney). 

6:00 P.M. – If the Council has not yet adjourned, the presiding officer shall entertain a motion to continue the council meeting, postpone the remaining items to the next council meeting date, or recess and reconvene the meeting at a specified time on the following day.

Posted on: 08/21/2024  04:40 PM