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Ordinance authorizing the extension of the City limits by full purpose annexation of approximately 4,205.72 acres of land, subject to expiring Development Agreements between the property owners and the City of San Antonio, generally located south of Loop 410 between Pearsall Road and U.S. Highway 181 South, contiguous to the City of San Antonio municipal boundary and located within the San Antonio Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) in south Bexar County, and a Plan for Municipal Services for the annexation area. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Rudy Nino, Jr, Interim Director, Planning]
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PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2023-11600067 (ETJ – Closest to Council Districts 3 & 4): A request to change the Heritage South Sector Plan land use classifications from “Natural Tier”, “Country Tier”, “Rural Estate Tier”, “Suburban Tier”, “General Urban Tier”, Agribusiness/RIMSE Tier”, “Regional Center”, and “Specialized Center” to “Country Tier”, “Rural Estate Tier”, “Suburban Tier”, “General Urban Tier”, and “Agribusiness/RIMSE Tier” on 1,394.52 acres out of CB 4002-1, CB 4007, CB 4007-5, CB 4007-6, CB 4007-9, CB 4010, CB 4014, CB 4069, CB 4069B, CB 4136, CB 4167-1, CB 4167A, CB 4187, CB 4188, CB 4204, CB 4283, CB 4283B, CB 4296, CB 4298, CB 4298D, CB 4300, CB 4301, NCB 14569, NCB 16622, and NCB 16627, located in south Bexar County. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Rudy Nino, Jr, Interim Director, Planning]
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ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700263 (ETJ – Closest to Council Districts 3 & 4): A request to assign zoning to and change the zoning district boundaries of multiple properties generally located south of Loop 410 between Pearsall Road and US Highway 181 South, from “OCL” Outside the City Limits, “RP” Resource Protection District, “MF-25” Low Density Multi-Family District, “C-2” Commercial District, “RD” Rural Development District, and “FR” Farm and Ranch District to “RP” Resource Protection District, “RP S” Resource Protection District with Specific Use Authorization for a HUD-Code Manufactured Home, “RP CD S” Resource Protection District with a Conditional Use for 2 Dwelling Units and a Specific Use Authorization for HUD-Code Manufactured Homes, “RE” Residential Estate District, “RE S” Residential Estate District with a Specific Use Authorization for a HUD-Code Manufactured Home, “RE CD S” Residential Estate District with a Conditional Use for 2 Dwelling Units and a Specific Use Authorization for HUD-Code Manufactured Homes, “R-20” Residential Single-Family District, “NP-8” Neighborhood Preservation District, “NP-8 CD” Neighborhood Preservation District with a Conditional Use for 2 Dwelling Units, “NP-8 CD S” Neighborhood Preservation District with a Conditional Use for 2 Dwelling Units and a Specific Use Authorization for HUD-Code Manufactured Homes, “R-5” Residential Single-Family District, “R-4” Residential Single-Family District, “R-4 CD” Residential Single-Family District with a Conditional Use for 2 Dwelling Units, “C-2” Commercial District, “C-3” General Commercial District, “L” Light Industrial District, “BP” Business Park District, and “FR” Farm and Ranch District; also applying zoning overlay districts “AHOD” Airport Hazard Overlay District, “MLOD-2” Lackland Military Lighting Overlay District, “MLR-2” Lackland Military Lighting Region-2, “MPOD-4” Mission Protection Overlay District, and World Heritage Buffer Zone as applicable on approximately 4,205.72 acres out of CB 4002-1, CB 4007, CB 4007-5, CB 4007-6, CB 4007-9, CB 4010, CB 4014, CB 4069, CB 4069B, CB 4069-B, CB 4136, CB 4167, CB 4167-1, CB 4167-2, CB 4167-3, CB 4167A, CB 4187, CB 4188, CB 4204, CB 4283, CB 4283B, CB 4295, CB 4296, CB 4297, CB 4298, CB 4298D, CB 4300, CB 4301, CB 4310A, CB 5722, NCB 14493, NCB 14568, NCB 14569, NCB 16622, NCB 16627, and ANCEL 69. Staff recommends Approval. (Associated Plan Amendment PA-2023-11600067) [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Rudy Nino, Jr, Interim Director, Planning]