City of San Antonio

City Council A Session

Municipal Plaza Building
114 W. Commerce Street
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:00 AM Municipal Plaza Building

The City Council will hold its regular meeting in the Norma S. Rodriguez Council Chamber in the Municipal Plaza Building located at 114 W. Commerce Street beginning at the above referenced date and time for the following items.  Once convened, the City Council will take up the following items in any order during the meeting but no sooner than the designated times.
9:00AM: Call to Order
Members of the public can comment on items on the agenda. To sign up to speak visit Click on meetings and events and select the meeting you’d like to participate in. Sign up to speak or submit a written comment. Questions relating to these rules may be directed to the Office of the City Clerk at (210) 207-7253.

Individuals signing up for public comment may register for VIA bus fare or parking validation at VIA bus fare or parking at City Tower Garage (located at 100 Blk N. Main) will be provided to individuals who request the assistance. Staff will provide VIA bus fare passes and parking validation tickets in the lobby of City Council Chambers. 

To view the Live meeting please view our Live Stream
During the meeting, the City Council may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney-client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request.  To request these services call (210) 207-2098 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at  Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability. 
Intérpretes en español estarán disponibles durante la junta del consejo de la ciudad para los asistentes que lo requieran. También se proveerán intérpretes para los ciudadanos que deseen exponer su punto de vista al consejo de la ciudad. Para más información, llame al (210) 207-7253.

For additional information on any item on this agenda, please visit or call (210) 207-7080.
Pledge of Allegiance
Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment
Ordinance approving a contract with DécorIQ, LLC, to install and remove holiday lighting on seven intersections on Houston Street for the Center City Development and Operations Department (CCDO), for a total cost of $241,681. This ordinance also approves a funding agreement between the Houston Street TIRZ #9 Board of Directors and the City of San Antonio for an amount not to exceed $241,681. Funding is from the City’s Tax increment in the Houston Street TIRZ. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Ordinance approving a contract with Michigan Tube Swagers and Fabricators, Inc., dba MTS Seating, to provide custom banquet chairs for the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center for a total cost of $680,032.50 for the Convention and Sports Facilities Department. Funding is from the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Improvement and Contingency Fund in the FY 2024 Adopted Budget. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Ordinance ratifying a contract with Grapevine DCJ, LLC, to supply 19 ambulance truck chassis for the San Antonio Fire Department for a total cost of $1,328,841; and approving a contract with Frazer Ltd., to supply and install 19 ambulance bodies and provide related ambulatory equipment for a total cost of $6,323,780. The total cost for 19 complete ambulances is $7,652,621. Funding of $5,911,385 is from the Equipment Renewal & Replacement Fund FY 2024 Adopted Budget. Additional funding up to $1,741,236 is from a Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement, or other financial obligations. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Ordinance amending the contract with MedWheels, Inc., for Zoll X Series 12-Lead defibrillator accessories to extend the term by one year through December 31, 2024, for a total estimated annual amount of $936,000 for the San Antonio Fire Department. Funding is from the General Fund. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Ordinance approving a contract with ZOLL Medical Corporation to provide the San Antonio Fire Department, Emergency Medical Services Division with ZOLL medical equipment and service plans for X-Series 12 Lead defibrillators in an amount up to $1,429,000 annually, beginning January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026 with two additional one-year renewal options. Funding is from the General fund. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Capital Improvements
Ordinance approving a task order to a Job Order Contract with LMC Corporation General Contractors in the amount of $558,495 for the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center West Building Park Entrance Remodel project. Funds are available from the Texas Public Facilities Corporation and included in the FY 2024 – FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Ordinance increasing the contract spending authorization capacity for the Job Order Contracts Program by $24 million for a total amount of $96 million for a contract term ending on March 1, 2025, with Alpha Building Corporation, Lee Construction and Maintenance Company, Amstar, Inc., Con-Cor, Inc., Belt Built Contracting, LLC., The Sabinal Group, LLC., Tejas Premiere Building Contractor, Inc., and HJD Capital Electric, Inc., and increasing the task order amount requiring City Council approval from $250,000 to the statutory limit of $500,000 under Texas Government Code Section 2269.403. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Acquisition, Sale or Lease of Real Property
Ordinance approving a lease with Lewis Aeronautical Company, LLC for Building 1100 and ground space located at 10310 John Cape Road at the San Antonio International Airport for a term of five years with an annual rent of $124,105.60 which will be deposited into the Airport Operating and Maintenance Fund. [Jeff Coyle, Assistant City Manager; Jesus Saenz, Director, Aviation]
Ordinance amending the River Walk Lease Agreement between Cajun Riverport, Inc., dba Boudro’s Restaurant, and the City of San Antonio to provide a five-year renewal term, commencing on January 1, 2024, and expiring on December 31, 2028. Additional revenue of $39,564.12 will be deposited into the Riverwalk Capital Improvement Fund. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Director, Center City Development and Operations Department]
Grant Applications and Awards
Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of grant funds in an amount not to exceed $69,726 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, for the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act Program, for the period of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2025, and establishing a budget for the grant. [Maria Villagómez, Deputy City Manager; William P. McManus, Chief of Police]
Boards, Commissions and Committee Appointments
Approving the following board, commission, and committee appointments for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire May 31, 2025. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
A. Reappointing Gwendolyn “Gwen” Bolden (District 2) to the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee
B. Appointing Anita Ledbetter (Mayoral) and Danielle Garcia (District 1) to the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee
C. Reappointing Joe Nix (District 10) to the Brooks Development Authority
D. Appointing Hilliard “Drew” Galloway (District 4) to the Historic and Design Review Commission
E. Reappointing Maria “Fernanda” Cardenas (District 4) to the Mayor’s Commission on the Status of Women
Approving the following board, commission and committee appointments for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire May 31, 2025. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
A. Reappointing Minerva “Minnie” Abrego-Sanchez (District 10) to the Port Authority of San Antonio
B. Reappointing Roy Schauffele (District 10) to the Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Committee
C. Appointing John Bailey (Mayoral) to the Streets, Bridges and Sidewalks Advisory Board
D. Appointing Joseph “Joey” Pawlik (Mayoral) to the Transportation Advisory Board
Approving the following board, commission, and committee appointments for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire May 31, 2025. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
A. Appointing Logan Marrs to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 12 – Plaza Fortuna
B. Reappointing Thad Rutherford and Dan Crowley to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 28 – Verano
C. Reappointing Bernadette Pena to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 32 – Mission Drive-In
Ordinance approving the appointments of Raoul “Ed” Berlanga and Sakib Shaikh and reappointing Marianne Kestenbaum to the Office of Urban Redevelopment (OUR-SA) for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire May 31, 2025. [Debbie Racca-Sittre, City Clerk]
Ordinance revising the composition of the Municipal Court Advisory Committee. [Andy Segovia, City Attorney]
Ordinance approving the settlement of a motor vehicle accident lawsuit styled Marie F. Martinez v. Brandon Lee Chavez and City of San Antonio, Cause No. 2022-CI-12491, in the 224th Judicial District Court, Bexar County, Texas for a total amount of $190,000. [Andy Segovia]
WITHDRAWN – Ordinance restating the rules and procedures for the scheduling and consideration of items at city council and committee meetings. [Andy Segovia, City Attorney]
Ordinance awarding City Council Project Fund grant allocations for Field Trips and More to Magik Theatre in the amount of $12,840.92; District 8 Back to School Event in the amount of $13,000; and District 4 Back to School Event in the amount of $15,000. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Emily McGinn, Assistant to City Council, Office of the City Council]
Resolution directing City Staff to initiate any necessary plan amendment or rezoning recommendations for City Council consideration concerning land use and zoning classification or boundary changes for approximately 815 acres of land generally located within the boundaries of I-35 to the South and East, West Mayfield to the North, and Somerset Road and Palo Alto Road to the West as requested by Council District 4. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Michael Shannon, Director, Development Services]
Resolution directing City Staff to initiate any necessary plan amendment or rezoning recommendations for City Council consideration concerning land use and zoning classification or boundary changes for approximately 135 acres of land generally located within the Southernmost portion of the Government Hill Neighborhood which is generally bounded by IH 35 to the North, Austin street to the West, and the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks to the South and East, as requested by Council District 2. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Michael Shannon, Director, Development Services]
Ordinance approving an Administrative Services Contract with the San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund for a five year term beginning October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2028, and ratifying the first month of services. Funds will be deposited into the General Fund. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Ordinance amending the contract with JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. and Paymentech, LLC for merchant banking (credit card) services to extend the term for one additional year, commencing on January 1, 2024, and ending on December 31, 2024, with the option to extend for two additional six month periods under the same terms and conditions for an estimated cost of $2.2 million. Funding is from each respective department's FY 2024 Adopted Budget and funding for future years is contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget. [Ben Gorzell, Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Ordinance authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to purchase vehicles, including any necessary upfitting and related products and services, and to execute contracts and any documents necessary to effectuate such transactions, as long as supply chain issues constrain the availability of vehicles and related products and services, subject to and contingent upon appropriation of funding. [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Ordinance approving an agreement with Syra Health Corporation for evaluation services of the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District’s Healthy Neighborhoods program in an amount up to $55,000 for the term September 30, 2023 through September 29, 2024, with the option to renew for four, one-year terms for a total amount of $275,000, inclusive of renewals. Funding is from the CDC Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) grant. [Erik Walsh, City Manager; Claude A. Jacob, Director, Health]
Ordinance approving an agreement with the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio to provide dental treatment for pediatric patients referred by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District’s Oral Health program in an amount of $140,000 for a term ending August 31, 2024. Funding is from the Title V Child Health and Dental Services grant. [Erik Walsh, City Manager; Claude A. Jacob, Director, Health]
Ordinance approving an agreement with the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office for services provided by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District and accepting reimbursement of up to $234,993 for a term ending December 31, 2023. [Erik Walsh, City Manager; Claude A. Jacob, Director, Health]
Ordinance amending the contract with SAP Public Services, Inc. (SAP) to provide the City of San Antonio with professional services for a technical Unicode conversion in support of a planned SAP system upgrade. Funding of $439,819 is from Certificates of Obligation and included in the FY 2024 - FY 2029 Capital Improvement Program. [Ben Gorzell, Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Craig Hopkins, Chief Information Officer]
Ordinance approving a contract with Carahsoft Technology Corporation (Carahsoft) to upgrade and consolidate the City’s two existing Accela permitting systems into a common Accela Software as a Service (SaaS) platform for an amount not to exceed $17,269,681.74 for a term beginning November 15, 2023 through November 14, 2028 with three, one-year renewal options and appropriates funds. Funding of $1,462,683.38 for the first year of the contract is from the Development Services Fund and Right of Way Fund FY 2024 Adopted Budgets. Funding for subsequent years is contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget. [Ben Gorzell, Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Craig Hopkins, Chief Information Officer]
Ordinance authorizing the City to utilize the State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract DIR-CPO-5237 with SHI Government Solutions, Inc. for the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. The terms of the agreement is for a-three year term for an estimated amount of $20,309,789.55. Funding of $6,579,802.41 for year one of this contract is from the Information Technology Services Department FY 2024 Adopted Budget. Funding for subsequent years is contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Craig Hopkins, Chief Information Officer, ITSD]
WITHDRAWN – Ordinance approving the first amendment to the Chapter 380 Economic Development Loan Agreement previously approved by the Westside Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #30 with the Westside Development Corporation dba Prosper West for the Basila Frocks Project extending the completion date of the Project. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; Veronica Garcia, Director, Neighborhood and Housing Services]
WITHDRAWN – Ordinance approving a second amendment to the Ch. 380 Funding Agreement for the Basila Frocks Project between the Westside Development Corporation, dba Prosper West, and the City of San Antonio, to extend the agreement's construction's commencement and completion date. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; Veronica Garcia, Director, Neighborhood and Housing Services]
Ordinance approving $750,000 from the Inner City Incentive Fund (ICIF) to the Missions Trails Community Association as a forgivable loan for infrastructure improvements at Riverside Terrace Mobile Home Park, a 2022 Housing Bond funded project. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; Veronica Garcia, Director, Neighborhood and Housing Services Department]
Ordinance approving a Sports License Agreement with Highland Rockets Youth Football and Cheer for operations, maintenance, and programming of the designated sports fields at South Side Lions Park for a term to commence January 1, 2024 and expiring December 31, 2028. There is no fiscal impact associated with this ordinance. [David McCary, Assistant City Manager; Homer Garcia III, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Ordinance approving a Sports License Agreement with Highland Warhawks Youth Football and Cheer for operations, maintenance, and programming of the designated sports fields at South Side Lions Park for a term to commence January 1, 2024 and expiring December 31, 2028. There is no fiscal impact associated with this ordinance. [David McCary, Assistant City Manager; Homer Garcia III, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Ordinance approving a Sports License Agreement with SA Five Diamonds Little League for operations, maintenance, and programming of the designated sports fields at Stinson Park for a term to commence January 1, 2024 and expiring December 31, 2028. There is no fiscal impact associated with this ordinance. [David McCary, Assistant City Manager; Homer Garcia III, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Ordinance authorizing a contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc., amending and extending existing contract terms, to provide the City with an integrated technology solution for body worn camera and in-car video. The term of the contract is for an initial five years with two, two-year, and one, one-year renewals. Funding for the first year of the agreement in the amount of $7,400,202.40 is available from the FY 2024 Budget in the General Fund and Airport Operations and Maintenance Fund. Funding for subsequent years is subject to appropriation of future operating budgets. [María Villagómez, Deputy City Manager; William P. McManus, Chief of Police]
City Manager's Report
City Manager’s Report.
Executive Session

At any time during the meeting, the City Council may recess into executive session in the B Room to consult with the City Attorney's Office (Texas Government Code Section 551.071) and deliberate or discuss any of the following:
Economic development negotiations pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087 (economic development).
The purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072 (real property).
Legal issues related to litigation involving the City including CPS litigation related to Winter Storm Uri and other litigation pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney).
Legal issues related to emergency preparedness pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.071 (consultation with attorney).
Legal issues related to a contract related to expanding digital inclusion pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney).
Legal advice regarding open meeting procedures pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney).

6:00 P.M. – If the Council has not yet adjourned, the presiding officer shall entertain a motion to continue the council meeting, postpone the remaining items to the next council meeting date, or recess and reconvene the meeting at a specified time on the following day.

Posted on: 10/27/2023  04:30 PM