City of San Antonio AGENDA
San Antonio Municipal Development Corporation Board of Directors
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
2:00 PM
Pre-K 4 SA North Education Center, 3635 Medical Dr.
The San Antonio Municipal Development Corporation Board of Directors will hold its regular meeting in the Pre-K 4 SA North Education Center, 3635 Medical Dr. beginning at 2:00 PM. Once convened, the San Antonio Municipal Development Corporation Board of Directors will take up the following items no sooner than the designated times.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes from the San Antonio Early Childhood Education Municipal Development Corporation meeting on April 4, 2023.
Public Comments [Interested speakers will have 3 minutes to address the Pre-K 4 SA Board on Pre-K 4 SA-related matters]
Consent Agenda
Board approval to negotiate and execute a contract with Assessment Intervention Management (AIM) to provide temporary nursing staffing services for Pre-K 4 SA for three years, with two, one-year options to renew for a total contract value not to exceed $250,000.00. [Sarah Baray, Ph.D., PreK 4 SA CEO]
Board action to approve the purchase of required insurance from recommended companies to be determined for Pre-K 4 SA Property, Student Incident, and General Liability insurance, respectively, for the North, South, East, and West Education Centers with a total premium of approximately $180,000.00 annually through July 1, 2025 for a total amount not to exceed $360,000.00; the City of San Antonio provides coverage meeting the Workers' Compensation requirement. [Paul Chapman, Pre-K 4 SA Chief Operations Officer]
Board action to approve an amendment to the professional services agreement with Bella Mattina, LLC, extending the term of the agreement to June 30, 2023, and increasing the total contract value to $68,274.00. [Larrisa Wilkinson, Pre-K 4 SA Deputy CEO]
Board action to ratify submission of the grant application to the Department of State Health Services to support the OLE! San Antonio coalition, authorize acceptance and appropriation of grant funds in the amount of $38,500.00 for the grant term through September 30, 2023, and approve acceptance of any future grant funds, if awarded, from the grantor [Sarah Baray, Ph.D., Pre-K 4 SA CEO]
Briefing and Possible Action on the following items
CEO Update to include new Board member introduction, B Session debrief, Student Enrollment, Hiring, Safety & Security, partnership updates, promotion and outreach, and 2023-24 Board Meeting Calendar [Sarah Baray, Ph.D., Pre-K 4 SA CEO]
Briefing and Board action to adopt the Pre-K 4 SA Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Operating Budget, and approve the appropriation of funds and personnel complement [Sarah Baray, Ph.D., Pre-K
4 SA CEO; Daisy Castillo, Pre-K 4 SA Department Fiscal Administrator]
Briefing and Board action to approve the SA: Ready To Work re-estimate of Fiscal Year 2023 program revenues and expenses and adopt the Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Operating Budget and Associated Personnel Complement. [Michael Ramsey, Workforce Development Office Director]
Briefing of results from Year 3 Independent Evaluation of the Gardendale Early Learning Program by Westat. [Emily Diaz, Westat Senior Research Associate; Lauren Decker-Woodrow, Ph.D., Westat Senior Study Director]
Board action to approve a professional services agreement with Bounceology, Inc. to provide consulting services for Pre-K 4 SA to support the development and implementation of a Consulting Enterprise model for a term of two years, with one, one-year option to renew for a total contract value not to exceed $540,000.00. [Sarah Baray, Ph.D., Pre-K 4 SA CEO]
Briefing and Board approval to negotiate and execute a contract with Star Shuttle, Inc. to provide student transportation services for Pre-K 4 SA for three years, with three, one-year options to renew and a total contract value not to exceed $5,500,000.00. [Sarah Baray, Ph.D., Pre-K 4 SA CEO; Paul Chapman, Pre-K 4 SA COO]
Briefing and Board approval to negotiate and execute a contract with the San Antonio Food Bank to provide student nutrition services and nutritional education services for Pre-K 4 SA for one year with four, one-year options to renew for a total contract value not to exceed $19,685,763.00 [Sarah Baray, Ph.D., Pre-K 4 SA CEO; Paul Chapman, Pre-K 4 SA COO]
The next meeting of the San Antonio Early Childhood Education Municipal Development Corporation Board of Directors is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, September 5 at 2:00 p.m. at the Pre-K 4 SA North Education Center.
At any time during the meeting, the San Antonio Early Childhood Education Municipal Development Corporation Board of Directors may recess into executive session (closed session) to consult with its attorneys and deliberate or discuss any of the following:
Attorney-client matters and/or legal issues related to litigation involving the Corporation pursuant to TexasGovernment Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney)
The purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072. (real property).
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request. To request these services call (210) 207-7268 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.
Members of the Early Childhood Education Municipal Development Corporation Board of Directors
Elaine Mendoza, Chair, Mayor's Appointee |
Teresa Granillo, Dist. 1 Appointee | Brandon A. Logan, Dist. 2 Appointee |
Joseph De La Garza, Dist. 3 Appointee | Richard Perez, Dist. 4 Appointee |
Andrea Greimel, Dist. 5 Appointee | Dr. Tracy Hurley, Dist. 6 Appointee |
Frances Guzman, Dist. 7 Appointee | Dr. Shari Albright, Board Secretary, Dist. 8 Appointee |
Dr. Richard Middleton, Dist. 9 Appointee | Jan Kirby, Dist. 10 Appointee