City of San Antonio
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 31 - Midtown Board of Directors
Once a quorum is established, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 31 - Midtown Board of Directors shall consider the following:
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 31 - Midtown Board of Directors
Wednesday, February 2, 2022 | 11:30 AM | City Hall Building, Council Briefing Room, First Floor, 100 Military Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205 |
The Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 31 - Midtown Board of Directors will hold its regular meeting in the City Hall Building, Council Briefing Room, First Floor, 100 Military Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205 beginning at 11:30 AM. Once convened, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 31 - Midtown Board of Directors will take up the following items no sooner than the designated times.
The meeting will be available to the public via the meeting link at:
Phone #: +1-415-655-0001US Toll
Meeting number (access code): 2453 977 8532
Meeting password: CWfRQ3XeS98
Phone #: +1-415-655-0001US Toll
Meeting number (access code): 2453 977 8532
Meeting password: CWfRQ3XeS98
Once a quorum is established, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 31 - Midtown Board of Directors shall consider the following:
Disability Access Information:
This meeting site is accessible to persons with disabilities. Parking is available. Auxiliary aids and services, including Deaf interpreters, must be requested forty-eight [48] hours prior to the meeting. For assistance, call (210-207-7805) or 711 (Texas Relay Service for the Deaf).
This meeting site is accessible to persons with disabilities. Parking is available. Auxiliary aids and services, including Deaf interpreters, must be requested forty-eight [48] hours prior to the meeting. For assistance, call (210-207-7805) or 711 (Texas Relay Service for the Deaf).
Declaracion de Accesibilidad:
Este lugar de la reunión es accesible a personas incapacitadas. Se hará disponible el estacionamiento. Ayudas auxiliares y servicios y interpretes para los sordos se deben pedir con cuarenta y ocho [48] horas de anticipación al la reunión. Para asistencia llamar a (210 207-7805) o al 711 (servicio de transmitir para sordos).
Este lugar de la reunión es accesible a personas incapacitadas. Se hará disponible el estacionamiento. Ayudas auxiliares y servicios y interpretes para los sordos se deben pedir con cuarenta y ocho [48] horas de anticipación al la reunión. Para asistencia llamar a (210 207-7805) o al 711 (servicio de transmitir para sordos).
Posted on: 01/31/2022 01:39 PM