Briefing and Possible Action on the following items
| 2.
| (POSTPONED) BOA-22-10300263: A request by Blanca Lara for 1) a 4' variance to minimum required 20' rear setback for a structure to be 16' away from rear property line, 2) a 2’-6” special exception from the maximum 3’ front fence height requirement to allow a 5’-6” solid screened fence in the front yard, 3) a 19’-9” variance from the 25’ minimum clear vision requirement to allow a solid screened privacy fence to be 5’-3” from the corner curb, 4) a 4’ variance from the 15’ minimum clear vision requirement to allow a solid screened privacy fence to be 11’ from the side yard driveway, 5) a 10’ variance from the 15’ minimum clear vision requirement to allow a solid screened fence to be 5’ from the front driveway, 6) a 9’-11” variance from the minimum 10’ reverse corner lot side setback requirement to allow a structure to be 1” from the side property line, 7) a variance from the fence materials to allow corrugated metal along the rear property line, and 8) a variance from the maximum 50% impervious cover requirement to allow the front yard to exceed the 50% impervious cover, located at 2001 Santiago Street. (Council District 5) (Joseph Leos, Planner, (210) 207-3074, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 3.
| BOA-22-10300250: A request by Ana Costa for an appeal of the Principal Planner’s decision of Denial for a Nonconforming Use Registration for Dwelling – Two (2) Family, located at 330 West Hermosa Drive. Staff recommends Denial. (Council District 1) (Rebecca Rodriguez, Senior Planner, (210) 207-0120, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 4.
| BOA-22-10300163: A request by Margarito Gallegos for 1) a 4’-11” variance from the 5' minimum side setback requirement to allow a detached carport with gutters to be 1" from the side property line and 2) a 4’-6” variance from the 5’ minimum side setback requirement to allow an accessory structure to be 6” from the side property line, located at 1410 Hermine Boulevard. Staff recommends Denial with an Alternate Recommendation. (Council District 1) (Joseph Leos, Planner, (210) 207-3074, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 5.
| BOA-22-10300193: A request by Catherine Ann Reichardt for a 9' variance from the minimum 10’ front setback requirement to allow a carport to be 1' from the front property line, located at 254 Savannah Drive. Staff recommends Approval. (Council District 1) (Vincent Trevino, Senior Planner (210) 207-5501, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 6.
| BOA-22-10300203: A request by Luis Faraklas, P.E. for a 9'-11" variance from the 10' minimum front setback requirement to allow an attached carport to be 1" from the front property line, located at 16915 Vista Forest Drive. Staff recommends Denial. (Council District 10) (Joseph Leos, Planner, (210) 207-3074, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 7.
| BOA-22-10300223: A request by Marcus Bledsoe for a 250 square foot lot size variance from the 4,000 minimum lot size to allow a lot to be 3,750 square feet, located at 1614 San Carlos Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Council District 5) (Vincent Trevino, Senior Planner (210) 207-5501, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 8.
| BOA-22-10300225: A request by Daryl Shelton for 1) a 14'-11" variance from the minimum 15' side setback from the Highway 151 Gateway Corridor Overlay District to allow a fence with barbwire to be 1" from the side property lines, 2) a 23'-11" variance from the minimum 30' rear setback (with 6' credit from alley) to allow a fence with barbed wire to be 1" from the rear property line, 3) a 9’ variance from the minimum 25’ clear vision requirement to allow a fence to be 16’ from the side curb, 4) a 12’ variance from the 15’ clear vision requirement to allow a fence to be 3’ from driveways, 5) a 2' special exception from the maximum 6’ fence height to allow a predominately open fence to be 8' tall along the side and rear property lines, and 6) a 3’ special exception from the maximum 5’ fence height to allow a predominately open fence to be 8’ tall along the front property lines, located at 258 Ardmore Street. Staff recommends Approval for the Side (West) Fence Setback, Rear Fence Setback, Clear Vision Variances and Front, Side and Rear Fence Special Exception. Staff recommends Denial for the Side (East) Fence Setback Variance. (Council District 6) (Rebecca Rodriguez, Senior Planner, (210) 207-0120, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 9.
| BOA-22-10300247: A request by Jose Esquivel-Vega for 1) a 2’ variance from the minimum 5’ side setback requirement to allow a carport to be 3' with 6” of overhang from the side property line side and 2) a 2’-2" variance from the minimum 10’ front setback requirement to allow a carport to be 7’-10” from the front property line side, located at 10903 Lazy Oaks Drive. Staff recommends Approval for the Side Setback Variance. Staff recommends Denial for the Front Setback Variance. (Council District 10) (Richard Bautista-Vazquez, Planner (210) 207-0215, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 10.
| BOA-22-10300249: A request by Marina Rodriguez for a 2’-4” variance from the minimum 5’ side setback to allow a structure to be 2’-8” from the side property line, located at 1446 Vanderbilt Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Council District 3) (Richard Bautista-Vazquez, Planner (210) 207-0215, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 11.
| BOA-22-10300253: A request by Steve Dallas for 1) a 4” variance from the minimum 5’ side setback requirement to allow a detached carport to be 4’-8” from the side property line, 2) a 13’-4” variance from the maximum residential curb cut width of 20’ to allow a 33’-4” curb cut in the front driveway, and 3) a 9’11” variance from the minimum 10’ front setback requirement to allow a detached carport to be 1” from the front property line, located at 2902 Hunters Den Street. Steff recommends Approval for the Side Setback Variance. Staff recommends Denial for the Front Setback and Curb Cut Variance. (Council District 8) (Richard Bautista-Vazquez, Planner (210) 207-0215, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 12.
| BOA-22-10300254: A request by Zamarripa Real Estate Investments, LLC for a Special Exception to allow one (1) additional Type 2 Short Term Rental permit on the block face, located at 403 Montana Street. Staff recommends Denial. (Council District 2) (Vincent Trevino, Senior Planner (210) 207-5501, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 13.
| BOA-22-10300255: A request by Nathan Manfred for 1) a 4’-11” variance from the minimum 5’ side setback requirement to allow an existing structure to be 1” from the side property line and a new structure with a 5’-2” width to be 3’-6” from the side property line, 2) a 4” variance from the minimum 5’ side setback requirement to allow an accessory structure to be 4’-8” from the side property line, and 3) a request for a 5’-7” variance from the minimum 10’ front setback requirement to allow a structure to be 4’-5” from the front property line, located at 337 Madison Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Council District 1) (Joseph Leos, Planner, (210) 207-3074, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 14.
| BOA-22-10300256: A request by Jose Garcia for 1) a 3’-5” special exception from the maximum 3’ fence height to allow a 6’ 5” solid screened privacy fence along the front and side of the property lines, 2) a 3’-8” variance from the minimum 15’ clear vision requirement to allow a solid screened fence to be 11’-4” from the front driveway, and 3) a 7’-6” variance (with 7’-6” credit from the alley) from the minimum 20’ setback requirement to allow a structure to be 5’ from the rear property line, located at 911 King Avenue. Staff recommends Approval for the Clear Vision and Rear Setback Variance. Staff recommends Denial for the Fence Height Special Exception. (Council District 4) (Jacob Exler, Planner, (210) 207-5876, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 15.
| BOA-22-10300257: A request by Maria Gonzalez for 1) a 3’-7” variance from the minimum 5’ side setback requirement, to allow a detached carport with overhang to be 1’-5” from the side property line, 2) a 5’ variance from the minimum 10’ front setback to allow a detached carport to have a 5’ front setback, 3) a 3’ special exception from the maximum 3’ front yard fence height requirement to allow a 6’ solid screened fence along the eastern and western property lines, 4) a 11’ variance from the 15’ minimum clear vision requirement to allow a solid screened privacy fence to be 4’ from the front curb, 5) a variance from the permitted fence materials to allow corrugated metal fence in the side and rear yards, and 6) a 9” special exception from the maximum 6’ side and rear yards fence height requirement to allow a 6’-9” fence in the side and rear yards, located at 338 Palm Drive. Staff recommends Approval for the Clear Vision and Front Setback Variances. Staff recommends Denial with an Alternate Recommendation for the Side Setback Variance. Staff recommends Denial for the Fence Material Variance and the Fence Height Special Exception. (Council District 7) (Joseph Leos, Planner, (210) 207-3074, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 16.
| BOA-22-10300258: A request by Morales Design Group for a 15’ variance from the minimum 30’ rear setback requirement to allow a structure to be 15’ from the rear property line, located at 6690 Prue Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Council District 7 and 8) (Vincent Trevino, Senior Planner (210) 207-5501, [email protected], Development Services Department) |
| 17.
| BOA-22-10300259: A request by Lewis Martin for a 140' variance to the minimum 200' distance required to allow an antenna support structure to be 60’ from a residential zoned district, located at 435 South Ellison Drive. Staff recommends Approval. (Council District 4) (Richard Bautista-Vazquez, Planner (210) 207-0215, [email protected], Development Services Department) |