City of San Antonio AGENDA
Audit and Accountability Committee City Hall Complex
San Antonio, Texas 78205
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
10:00 AM
Council Briefing Room
The Audit and Accountability Committee will hold its regular meeting in the Council Briefing Room beginning at 10:00 AM. Once convened, the Audit and Accountability Committee will take up the following items no sooner than the designated times.
Members of the public can comment on items on the agenda. To sign up to speak visit Click on meetings and events and select the meeting you’d like to participate in. Sign up to speak or submit a written comment. Questions relating to these rules may be directed to the Office of the City Clerk at (210) 207-7253.
Once a quorum is established, the Audit and Accountability Committee shall consider the following:
Approval of Minutes
Approval of minutes from the September 21, 2022 Audit and Accountability Committee meeting
Acceptance of the Office of the City Auditor Report AU22-025 Audit of ITSD - Security Awareness Training Program - 2022 [Kevin W. Barthold, City Auditor]
Acceptance of the Office of the City Auditor Report AU22-027 Audit of ITSD Solaris Server Security [Kevin W. Barthold, City Auditor]
• If a Committee member pulls this item off the consent agenda section, then this item will be briefed in Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 552.139, deliberation regarding security devices or security audit.
Briefing and possible action on Council Consideration Request by Councilmember Melissa Cabello Havrda, District 6, regarding a Responsible Bidder Ordinance for Low Bids for Construction Contracts. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Briefing on the release of a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal (RFCSP) solicitation for one contract to provide the Public Works Department with construction services for the Hemisfair Civic Park Phase 2 project, a 2022 General Obligation Bond Program project in the estimated total value of $15,800,000.00. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Briefing on the release of a solicitation for up to seven (7) contracts to provide the Public Works Department with On-Call Civil Engineering Services for Street Rehabilitation for the Infrastructure Management Plan (IMP), American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and 2022 Bond in the estimated total value of $9,100,000.00; $650,000 annually per consultant, for 1 year with 1, 1 year option to renew. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Approval to proceed with scheduling two contracts for City Council consideration to provide the Finance Department with Depository Banking and Lock Box Services in an estimated amount of $1,525,000.00 for three years with one, two-year option to renew. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Briefing on the required communication for the FY 2022 External Financial Audit [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
At any time during the meeting, the Committee may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
Deliberate the following Information Technology Services Department Solaris Server Security audit pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.076, deliberation regarding security devices or security audits.
At any time during the meeting, the Audit and Accountability Committee may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request. To request these services call (210) 207-7268 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.
For additional information on any item on this agenda, please visit or
call (210) 207-7080.
Audit and Accountability CommitteeCommittee Members
Chair: John Courage, District 9
Mario Bravo, District 1 | Manny Pelaez, Dist. 8
Citizen Committee Members: Judy Treviño
* Other members of City Council may attend to observe, but not vote, on matters before the Committee.