City of San Antonio

Planning Commission

Development and Business Services
1901 South Alamo

Monday, February 14, 2022 12:30 PM 1901 South Alamo
**Planning Commission Technical Advisory Committee**

The Planning Commission Technical Advisory Committee (PCTAC) is a subcommittee that
advises the Planning Commission on matters as requested by the Commission. Members of the
PCTAC are appointed by the Planning Commission.

To watch and listen to this meeting, visit To listen to audio only, call 210 206 LIVE (5483).
Public Comment
Members of the public may provide comment on any agenda item, consistent with procedural rules governing the Planning Commission Technical Advisory Committee meetings and state law. Public comment may also be provided as follows:
1.  Submit written comments by email to [email protected] or drop off written comments at 1901 S Alamo by Monday, February 14th by 8am.  Please include your full name, home or work address, agenda item number . Written comments will be part of the official written record only.
2. Leave a voice message of a maximum of two minutes by dialing 210206(PLNG)7564. Your message will be played during the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address and agenda item number.  

*Note: Written comments and voicemails must be recieved by Monday, February 14th at 8am to give time for translation.

12:30 PM Call to order 

-Roll Call
-Public Comment
New Business
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 18-8, affecting section 35-105(b)(9): Consistency with Master Plan. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on item UDC amendment item 22-1, affecting section 35-105(b)(9): Consistency With Master Plan. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 22-2, affecting section 35-204(c)(2): Commercial Center. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 27-42, affecting section 35-210(g): Low Impact Development and Natural Channel Design Protocol (LID/NCDP). (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 22-3, affecting section 35-310.01(b): Zoning-Generally. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 5-35, affecting section 35-310.01(c): Zoning-Generally. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 22-4, affecting section 35-310.20: ”NMU” Neighborhood Mixed-Use District. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 22-5, affecting section 35-310.21: ”UMU” Urban Mixed-Use District. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 22-6, affecting section 35-310.22: “RMU” Regional Mixed-Use District. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 22-7, affecting section 35-310.23: “EFMU” Employment/Flex Mixed-Use District. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 22-8, affecting section 35-310.24: ”BIMU” Business/Innovation Mixed-Use District. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 9-3, affecting section 35-311(b)(2): Use Regulations. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 5-55, affecting section 35-311-2: Nonresidential Use Matrix. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 10-1, affecting section 35-311-1: Residential Use Matrix. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 5-30, affecting section 35-311-1: Residential Use Matrix & 35-311-2: Nonresidential Use Matrix. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 10-3, affecting section 35-311-2: Nonresidential Use Matrix. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 5-31, affecting section 35-311-2: Nonresidential Use Matrix. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 5-39, affecting section 35-311-2: Nonresidential Use Matrix. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 22-9, affecting section 35-321(a): Conditional Zoning Districts. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Discussion and possible action on UDC amendment item 22-10, affecting section 35-335(c): “NCD” Neighborhood Conservation District. (Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, 210-207-8691, [email protected], Development Services Department).
Old Business
Approval of minutes from the February 8, 2022 meeting 

                                                                                                                                                        Posted on: 02/09/2022  03:42 PM