Building Standards Board
Thursday, June 13, 2024 | 9:00 AM | 1901 S. Alamo St. |
To watch and listen to this meeting, visit www.sanantonio.gov/DSD/Boards/MeetingVideos. To listen to audio only, call (210) 206-LIVE (5483)
Once a quorum is established, the Building Standards Board shall consider the following:
Call to Order
Roll Call
BSB Guidelines, Policies and Procedures
Administrative Items
ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT – The Cliff Morton Development and Business Service
Center, located at 1901 South Alamo Street, is wheelchairaccessibleto persons
with disabilities. Accessible parking is located at the front of the building. Auxiliary Aids and
Services are available upon request (Interpreters for the Deaf must be requested
fortyeight [48] hours prior to the meeting). For Assistance, Call (210) 2077268 Voice/TTY or
711 (Texas Relay Service for the Deaf).
Language interpreters are available at the meeting. For more information call (210) 207-5422.
Interpretes estarán disponibles en la reunión. Para mayor informes, favor de llamar (210) 207‐5422.
DECLARACIÓN DE ACCESIBILIDAD – The Cliff Morton Development and Business
Service Center está localizado en 1901 South Alamo Street. Este lugar de la reunión es
accesible a personas incapacitadas. Se hará disponible el esta¬cionamiento. Ayudas auxiliares
y servicios y interpretes para los sordos se deben pedir con cuarenta y ocho [48] horas de
anticipación al la reunión. Para asistencia llamar (210) 2077268
o al 711 (servicio detransmitir para sordos).
Posted on: 6/6/2024 1:04:59 PM