The Charter Review Commission will meet at Central Library, 600 Soledad, Auditorium beginning at 5:30 PM. Once a quorum is established, the Charter Review Commission will take up the following items no sooner than the designated times.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes from the Charter Review Commission meeting on March 4, 2024.
Individuals may sign up for live public comment the day of the meeting at the meeting location up to 15 minutes before the start of the meeting or prior using SASpeakUp up to 12:00pm the day of the meeting. Those unable to attend the meeting may submit written comment by calling 311 or using SASpeakUp at until 4:00 PM on the business day before the meeting. Comments may be provided in English or Spanish and interpretation services will be provided with advanced notice. Voicemail comments can be left at 210.207.6889. Voice messages will be limited to 300 words transcribed. Comments that do not pertain to the agenda items will not be presented to the Commission.
Briefing on the following items:
Briefing and discussion of the preliminary recommendations from the following subcommittees:
a. City Manager tenure and compensation
b. Council districts and redistricting
At any time during the meeting, the Charter Review Commission may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request. To request these services call (210) 207-7068 or [email protected]. For individuals with hearing loss contact Relay Texas 711. Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.