City of San Antonio

Zoning Commission

Development and Business Services
1901 South Alamo

Tuesday, February 6, 2024 1:00 PM 1901 S. Alamo

At any time during the meeting, the Zoning Commission may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney-client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

It is the intent of the City that the presiding officer will be in attendance at this location.

Members of the public may provide comment on any agenda item, consistent with procedural rules governing the Zoning Commission meetings and state law. Public comment may also be provided as follows:
1.  Submit written comments by email or mail by 4pm the day before the meeting to the case manager
drop off  written comments at 1901 S Alamo by 10am on the day of the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, item # and/or address of the request. Written comments will be part of the official written record only.

2. Leave a voice message of a maximum of three minutes by dialing 210206(ZONG) 9664 by 10am the day of the meeting. Your message will be played during the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, item # and/or address of the request.
Work Session 

12:30 P. M. Staff briefing regarding case recommendations and other items for consideration on the posted agenda. Commissioners may direct questions to staff regarding items noticed on the posted agenda or regarding City of San Antonio policies or operations in order to elicit a response of specific factual information or a recitation of existing policy pursuant to Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code.

Zoning Items
(POSTPONED) ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700332 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2NA EP-1 MLOD-3 MLR-2" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Facility Parking/Traffic Control Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District and "R-4 EP-1 MLOD-3 MLR-2" Residential Single-Family Facility Parking/Traffic Control Martindale Army Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District to "IDZ-1 EP-1 MLOD-3 MLR-2" Limited Intensity Infill Development Zone Facility Parking/Traffic Control Martindale Army Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District with uses permitted for one (1) dwelling unit and “C-1” Light Commercial District on Lot 29 and Lot 30, NCB 6908, located at 2815 East Houston Street. (Joseph Leos, Zoning Planner, (210) 207-3074, [email protected], Development Services Department)
(Continued from 01/16/2024) ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700244 CD (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "R-6 NCD-2 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Alta Vista Neighborhood Conservation District Overlay Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-6 CD NCD-2 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Alta Vista Neighborhood Conservation District Overlay Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for three (3) dwelling units on Lot 6A, Block 2, NCB 3527, located at 133 Hickman Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Kellye Sanders, Planning Coordinator, 210-207-2187, [email protected], Development Services Department)
(Continued from 01/16/2023) ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700295 (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "R-4 MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lots 26 and 27, Block 3, NCB 8132, located at 151 Cortez Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Ann Benavidez, Zoning Planner, (210) 207-8208, [email protected], Development Services Department)
(Continued from 1/16/2024) ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700296 CD (Council District 3): A request for a change in zoning from "R-4 MLOD-3 MLR-2 AHOD” Residential Single-Family Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-4 CD MLOD-3 MLR-2 AHOD” Residential Single-Family Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for (4) Four Dwelling Units on Lot 13, Block 27, NCB 3295, located at 950 East Drexel Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Joseph Leos, Zoning Planner, (210) 207-3074, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700325 (Council District 3): A request for a change in zoning from “RP CD S” Resource Protection District with a Conditional Use for two (2) dwelling units and a Specific Use Authorization for HUD-Code Manufactured Homes, "R-5" Residential Single-Family District, "MF-18" Limited Density Multi-Family District, and "C-2" Commercial District to "R-4" Residential Single-Family District on 82.17 acres, "MF-18" Limited Density Multi-Family District 4.077 acres, and "C-2" Commercial District on 10.431 acres, a total of 96.678 acres out of CB 4167, generally located in the 20400 - 20900 block of Gus McCrae Lane and 3628 South Loop 1604. Staff recommends Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment PA-2023-11600082) (Joseph Leos, Zoning Planner, (210) 207-3074, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700367 HL (Council District 3): A request for a change in zoning from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-4 HL AHOD" Residential Single-Family Historic Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 1, Block 40, NCB 6571, located at 1302 Hicks Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Samantha Benavides, Zoning Planner, 210-207-6034, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700369 HL (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "R-6 CD NCD-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for two (2) dwelling units to "R-6 CD HL NCD-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Historic Landmark Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for two (2) dwelling units on Lot 17, Lot 18, and the west 12.5 feet of Lot 19, Block 28, NCB 1810, located at 914 West Mulberry Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Alexa Retana, Zoning Planner, 210-207-5407, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700370 (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "I-2 HS AHOD" Heavy Industrial Historic Significant Airport Hazard Overlay District and "I-2 H AHOD" Heavy Industrial Cattleman Square Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ-2 HS AHOD" Medium Intensity Infill Development Zone Historic Significant Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted for 48 dwelling units and “C-1” Light Commercial District and "IDZ-2 H AHOD" Medium Intensity Infill Development Zone Cattleman Square Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted for 48 dwelling units and “C-1” Light Commercial District on Lot 11, Lot 12, and the north 27.92 feet of Lot 10, Block 78, and the west half of Block 249, NCB 249, located at 421 North Medina Street and 1232 West Martin Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Joseph Leos, Zoning Planner, (210) 207-3074, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700371 CD (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "R-4 EP-1 MLOD-3 MLR-2" Residential Single-Family Facility Parking/Traffic Control Martindale Army Air Field Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District to "R-4 CD EP-1 MLOD-3 MLR-2" Residential Single-Family Facility Parking/Traffic Control Martindale Army Air Field Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District with a Conditional Use for two (2) dwelling units on Lot 14 and Lot 29, Block 35, NCB 6456, located at 1555 Paso Hondo. Staff recommends Approval. (Vincent Trevino, Senior Zoning Planner, (210) 207-5501, [email protected], Development Services Department)
ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700377 (Council District 10): A request for a change in zoning from "I-2 S AHOD" Heavy Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for a Quarry to "ED AHOD" Entertainment District Airport Hazard Overlay District on 3.343 acres out of NCB 14945, located at 10440 Wurzbach Parkway. Staff recommends Approval. (Vincent Trevino, Senior Zoning Planner, (210) 207-5501, [email protected], Development Services Department)
Approval of Minutes
Consideration and Approval of the January 16, 2024, Zoning Commission Minutes.
At any time during the meeting, the Zoning Commission Meeting may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request.  To request these services call (210) 207-6310 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at  Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability. 

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