City of San Antonio

Municipal Civil Service Commission Meeting

Municipal Civil Service Commission Meeting
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 | 8:30 AM | San Antonio International Center, 203 S. St. Mary, Rio Vista Room, San Antonio, TX 78205 |
The Municipal Civil Service Commission Meeting will hold its regular meeting in the San Antonio International Center, 203 S. St. Mary, Rio Vista Room, San Antonio, TX 78205 beginning at 8:30 AM. Once convened, the Municipal Civil Service Commission Meeting will take up the following items no sooner than the designated times.
Once a quorum is established, the Municipal Civil Service Commission Meeting shall consider the following:
Once a quorum is established, the Municipal Civil Service Commission Meeting shall consider the following:
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request. To request these services call (210) 207-7268 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.
Posted on: 12/06/2023 11:58 AM