City of San Antonio AGENDA
Historic Design Review Commission Meeting Development and Business Service Center
1901 South Alamo
San Antonio, Texas 78204
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
3:00 PM
The Historic and Design Review Commission will hold its regular meeting in the Board Room at 1901 South Alamo, beginning at 3:00 p.m. Once a quorum is established, the Historic and Design Review Commission will take up the following items no sooner than the designated times.
Members of the public can comment on items on the agenda, consistent with procedural rules governing HDRC meetings and state law. Public comments may also be provided as follows:
1. Leave a voice message a maximum of two minutes by dialing 210-206-HDRC(4372) by 12 noon on the day of the meeting. Voicemail messages will be played during the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, the item number and item address of the request.
2. Submit written comments to [email protected] by 12 noon on the day of the meeting. Please include your full name, home or work address, the item number and item address of the request. Written comments will be part of the official written record only.
3. Attend the in-person hearing and signup to speak before the meeting begins at 3 PM. Each member of the public will have two minutes to speak unless otherwise directed by the Chair.
3:00 P.M. – Call to Order
Roll Call
Chairman’s Statement
Public Comments
Approval of Minutes
Approval of minutes for the February 1, 2023, February 15, 2023, and June 21, 2023, Historic and
Design Review Commission meetings.
Items are placed on the consent agenda when staff recommends approval or recommends approval with stipulations that the applicant agrees to. Any member of the public desiring to speak on a consent agenda item may sign up and be heard prior to voting on the consent agenda. Commissioners may request to remove any item from the consent agenda and have it placed on the individual consideration agenda. All items on the consent agenda will be considered for approval by one motion adopting the items with staff findings and recommendations.
Address/Description: 11115 WURZBACH RD
HDRC Case No.: 2023-273
Applicant: JAYHAWK GROUP LP (by Caroline McDonald, Brown and McDonald PLLC, Auth. Rep.)
Request: Historic Landmark Designation
City Council Dist.: 8
Address/Description: 720 N ST MARYS ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-221
RIO District: RIO-3
Applicant: Jimmy Serenil/Brothers Excavation & concrete LLC
Request: Exterior and fenestration modifications, storefront system modifications, construction of an addition, canopy installation
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 219 VILLITA ST/145 NAVARRO
HDRC Case No.: 2023-258
RIO District: RIO-3
Applicant: Peter Ketter/Sandvick Architects
Request: Amendment to previously approved design of rooftop addition; infill of windows
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 1210 E ELMIRA ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-261
RIO District: RIO-2
Applicant: Michael Elder/Oxbow Real Estate, LLC
Request: Construction of an 8-story hotel
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 250 LAUREL HEIGHTS PLACE
HDRC Case No.: 2023-262
Historic District Name: Monte Vista
Applicant: Mauricio Tafoya/Leon Studio, LLC
Request: Construction of a 1-story, rear accessory structure
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 123 N ST MARYS ST/St. Mary’s Street Bridge, River Level
HDRC Case No.: 2023-229
Public Property: St. Mary’s Street Bridge, River Level
RIO District: RIO-3
Applicant: Grace Boudewyns/Lake Flato Architects
Request: Installation of site elements and construction of an outdoor bar beneath the N St Mary's river bridge
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 510 E LOCUST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-259
Historic District Name: Tobin Hill
Applicant: Kandice Lauderdale/Wholehearted Real Estate
Request: Historic Tax Verification
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 109 MAGNOLIA DR
HDRC Case No.: 2023-270
Historic District Name: River Road
RIO District: RIO-1
Applicant: Shelley Ann Bourgeois & Edward Michael Chapa
Request: Historic Tax Certification
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 620 S PRESA ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-279
Historic District Name: Lavaca
Applicant: Eluterio Tenorio/ETDesign Studio
Request: Roof and parapet modifications
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 217 VANCE ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-227
Historic District Name: Lavaca
Applicant: Vicki Yuan
Request: Demolition of a rear accessory structure and new construction of a 1-story rear accessory structure
City Council Dist.:
Address/Description: 434 ADAMS ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-250
Historic District Name: King William
Applicant: Jake Dady /DADY JACOB MATTHEW
Request: Conceptual approval of a two-story accessory structure
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 211 LOSOYA ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-248
Historic District Name: Alamo Plaza
RIO District: RIO-3
Applicant: Joseph Marroquin Sr/Colt Professional Facility Repair
Request: Fencing
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 1020 BURNET ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-249
Historic District Name: Dignowity Hill
Applicant: Yolanda Guajardo/BRIDGE GROUP LLC
Request: New construction of a one-story accessory structure
City Council Dist.: 2
Address/Description: 1431 E COMMERCE ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-272
Historic District Name: Dignowity Hill
Applicant: Roxanne Lozano/Industry Signs, LLC
Request: Signage
City Council Dist.: 2
Address/Description: 502 SHERMAN ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-277
Historic District Name: Dignowity Hill
Applicant: Rogelio Dipp Fuentes /Arangon Builders
Request: Window replacement, porch construction, porch modifications
City Council Dist.: 2
Address/Description: 606 DAWSON ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-252
Historic District Name: Dignowity Hill
Applicant: Cotton Estes/Cotton Estes Architect PLLC
Request: New construction of a rear accessory building
City Council Dist.: 2
Address/Description: 311 CEDAR ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-224
Historic District Name: King William
Applicant: Robert Alvarado
Request: Roofing replacement
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 210 NOLAN ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-242
Historic District Name: Healy-Murphy
Applicant: Patrick Partch/City of San Antonio
Request: Park modifications
City Council Dist.: 2
Address/Description: 813 BURLESON ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-230
Historic District Name: Dignowity Hill
Applicant: Kyle Braunlich/BRAUNLICH KYLE W
Request: Deconstruction of a rear accessory
City Council Dist.: 2
Address/Description: 823 CAMDEN ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-253
Applicant: Michael McCrea/Pawneem, LLC
Request: Demolition of rear shed and carport, detached garage construction, and roofing replacement
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 335 KING WILLIAM
HDRC Case No.: 2023-254
Historic District Name: King William
RIO District: RIO-4
Applicant: Cameron Smith/Smithdish Architecture
Request: Shade structures installation
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 2507 FREDERICKSBURG RD
HDRC Case No.: 2023-246
Historic District Name: Monticello Park
Applicant: Cynthia Garcia/four brothers fences
Request: Fence and gate installation
City Council Dist.: 7
Address/Description: 616/618 WILMINGTON AVE – POSTPONED
HDRC Case No.: 2022-557
Applicant: Office of Historic Preservation
Request: Recommendation for Historic Landmark Designation
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 415 N MESQUITE ST/105 - 113 BROWN ALLEY
HDRC Case No.: 2023-247
Historic District Name: Dignowity Hill
Request: Construction of six, multi-story residential structures
City Council Dist.: 2
Address/Description: 116 CAMARGO
HDRC Case No.: 2023-271
Historic District Name: Lavaca
Applicant: Nate Manfred/French & Michigan
Request: Amendment to a previously approved design; removal of caliche wing and reconstruction with wood framing
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 119 E MAGNOLIA AVE
HDRC Case No.: 2023-278
Historic District Name: Monte Vista
Applicant: charles ramon/RAMON CHARLES
Request: Construction of a brick site wall
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 1921 FREDERICKSBURG RD
HDRC Case No.: 2023-276
Historic District Name: Monticello Park
Applicant: Alberto Salazar
Request: Fence installation
City Council Dist.: 7
Address/Description: 814 N OLIVE ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-268
Historic District Name: Dignowity Hill
Applicant: Brad Clawson/Elise Construction
Request: Amendment to previously-approved design for new construction of three two-story residences
City Council Dist.: 2
Address/Description: 114 DEWBERRY ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-257
Historic District Name: River Road
RIO District: RIO-1
Applicant: Andrea Longoria/Brio Builders
Request: New construction of a two-story house
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 300 SAN FERNANDO ST
HDRC Case No.: 2023-251
Applicant: Robert Belden JR/Accu-Rite Roofing and Construction Services
Request: Signage
City Council Dist.: 5
Address/Description: 411 E EVERGREEN
HDRC Case No.: 2023-243
Historic District Name: Tobin Hill
Request: Fenestration modifications
City Council Dist.: 1
Address/Description: 2119 N IH 35
HDRC Case No.: 2023-265
Historic District Name: Government Hill
Applicant: Pedro Ramos/PR Custom Signs
Request: Signage
City Council Dist.: 2
HDRC Case No.: 2023-244
Historic District Name: King William
Applicant: George Torres III/George Torres Architect PLLC
Request: Conceptual review of porch floor replacement, porch roof replacement (shingle to metal), partial demolition, rear porch addition, fenestration changes, hardscaping, fencing, and garage modifications
City Council Dist.: 1
At any time during the meeting, the Historic and Design Review Commission may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney-client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
The City of San Antonio ensures meaningful access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, materials in alternate formats, and other accommodations upon request. To request these services call (210) 2072098 or Relay Texas 711 or by requesting these services online at Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.
La Ciudad de San Antonio garantiza acceso a las reuniones, los programas y los servicios de la Ciudad proporcionando: traducción e interpretación, materiales en formatos alternativos y otras adaptaciones a pedido. Para solicitar estos servicios llame al (210) 207¬2098 o Relay Texas 711 o solicite estos servicios en línea en Dando un aviso al menos 72 horas antes ayudará a garantizar la disponibilidad.