City of San Antonio

Municipal Utilities Committee

City Hall Complex
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 10:00 AM City Hall Complex

The Municipal Utilities Committee will hold its regular meeting in the Council Briefing Room, City Hall beginning at 10:00 AM. Once convened, the Municipal Utilities Committee will take up the following items no sooner than the designated times.

Members of the public can comment on items on the agenda. The deadline to submit comments or sign up to speak at the Municipal Utilities Committee is 1 hour prior to the posted meeting time. To submit comments or sign up to speak, please go to and click on the eComment link for instructions. Questions relating to these rules may be directed to the Office of the City Clerk at (210) 207-7253

Once a quorum is established, the Municipal Utilities Committee shall consider the following:

Approval of Minutes
Approval of minutes from August 24, 2021 and September 29, 2021
Public Comment
Briefing and Possible Action on the following items
Discussion by the Municipal Utilities Committee on the scope and functions of the CPS Energy Citizens Advisory Committee, including public access to meetings [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Briefing by the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) and CPS Energy on the status of implementing the recommendations from the Committee on Emergency Preparedness’ Report  [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
A) CPS Energy Staff will provide a status report on the utility’s actions implementing the recommendations from the Committee on Emergency Preparedness’ Report.
B) SAWS Staff will provide a status report on the utility’s actions implementing the recommendations from the Committee on Emergency Preparedness’ Report.
Briefing by the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) and CPS Energy on Plans for Addressing Past Due Customer Receivables [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]:
A) CPS Energy Staff will provide a briefing on plans for addressing the past due customer receivables
B) SAWS Staff will provide a briefing on plans for addressing the past due customer receivables
Briefing on the American Rescue Plan Act Fiscal Recovery Funds as it relates to utility assistance [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Briefing on Website Features to Support the Municipal Utilities Committee  [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Consideration of items for future meetings
Rescheduling the November 23, 2021 meeting to another date
Executive Session

At any time during the meeting, the Committee may meet in executive session for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
This meeting site is wheelchair accessible. The Accessible Entrance is located at the S. Flores Street entrance. Auxiliary Aids and Services, including Deaf interpreters, must be requested forty-eight [48] hours prior to the meeting. For assistance, call (210) 207-7268 or 711 Texas Relay Service for the Deaf.
Intérpretes en español estarán disponibles durante la junta del consejo de la ciudad para los asistentes que lo requieran. También se proveerán intérpretes para los ciudadanos que deseen exponer su punto de vista al consejo de la ciudad. Para más información, llame al (210) 207-7253

For additional information on any item on this agenda, please visit or
call (210) 207-7080.
Municipal Utilities Committee Members
John Courage, Dist. 9, Chair
Mario Bravo, Dist. 1 | Adriana Rocha Garcia, Dist. 4
Melissa Cabello Havrda, Dist. 6 | Ana Sandoval, Dist. 7

* Other members of City Council may attend to observe, but not vote, on matters before the Committee.

Posted on: 10/26/2021  09:53 AM