City of San Antonio

Firefighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission Meeting

Monday, October 11, 2021 9:00 AM Municipal Plaza Building, Room B

The Firefighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission Meeting will hold its regular meeting in the Municipal Plaza Building, Room B beginning at 9:00 AM. Once convened, the Firefighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission Meeting will take up the following items no sooner than the designated times.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes from the Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission meeting on September 13, 2021.
Briefing and Possible Action on the following items
Notice of a Fire Engineer B Examination.
Notice of SAPD and SAFD disciplinary suspensions without pay:
a. An agreed one (1) day suspension for Detective Bany A. Rolo effective September 16, 2021.
b. An agreed one (1) day suspension for Officer Cedric A. Hudson Jr. effective September 23, 2021.
c. An eight (8) day suspension for Officer Daniel Uranga effective September 22, 2021.
d. A three (3) day suspension for Officer Joseph A. Swan effective September 24, 2021.
e. A two (2) day suspension for Officer Modesto L. Gutierrez effective September 22, 2021.
f. An agreed forty-five (45) day suspension for Officer Rhett A. Shoquist effective September 21, 2021.
g. An indefinite suspension for Fire Engineer Kyasha Horne effective October 4, 2021. A release and settlement agreement reduces the suspension to a 30-day suspension.
h. A three (3) day suspension for Fire Engineer Ricky Sangster effective October 1, 2021.

These matters have not been appealed and are, therefore, final.
Public Comments
At any time during the meeting, the Firefighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission Meeting may meet in executive session to discuss personnel and/or legal issues related to any item on this agenda, pursuant Section 551.074 (personnel matters) and 551.071 (consultation with attorney).
This meeting site is wheelchair accessible. The Accessible Entrance is located at the Municipal Plaza Building / Main Plaza Entrance. Auxiliary Aids and Services, including Deaf interpreters, must be requested forty-eight [48] hours prior to the meeting. For assistance, call (210) 207-7268 or 711 Texas Relay Service for the Deaf.
Intérpretes en español estarán disponibles durante la junta del consejo de la ciudad para los asistentes que lo requieran. También se proveerán intérpretes para los ciudadanos que deseen exponer su punto de vista al consejo de la ciudad. Para más información, llame al (210) 207-7253