

Thursday, September 23, 2021 1:00 PM

This is an interactive version of the meeting agenda. For a copy of the original meeting agenda, please select the PDF agenda option.

DISABILITY ACCESS STATEMENT This meeting site is wheelchair accessible. The Accessible Entrance is located at the Trevino Alley Entrance, south side. Auxiliary Aids and Services, including Deaf interpreters, must be requested forty-eight [48] hours prior to the meeting. For assistance, call (210) 207-7268 or 711 Texas Relay Service for the Deaf.
Call to Order
Public Comment
Citizens may make public comments for, against, or on any item on the agenda by signing up to speak in person or emailing their comments to [email protected], or via voicemail through (210) 207-3934, until 5:00pm the day before the meeting. Comments must be limited to 300 words, and may be submitted in English or Spanish, and will be presented to the Board by City staff either in full or in summary, if necessary for the orderly and timely flow of the meeting.
Note: Comments that do not pertain to the agenda items sent by email or left on voicemail will not be presented to Board.
Approval of Minutes
1. Approval of August 26 Advisory Board Meeting Minutes.
Remarks from Mayor Ron Nirenberg
Individual Items
2. City of San Antonio Workforce and SA: Ready To Work Updates.
3. Review and Provide Feedback on greater:SATX Contract for SA WORX.
4. Employer Engagement Subcommittee Work Update and Approval of Meeting Dates.
5. Community Outreach Subcommittee Work Update and Approval of New Nominees.
Staff Member Comments
Future Agenda Items
At any time during the Advisory Board Meeting, the Advisory Board may meet in Executive Session for consultation concerning attorney-client matters (real estate, litigation, contracts, personnel and security) under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.