

Monday, June 14, 2021 2:00 PM Municipal Plaza Building

This is an interactive version of the meeting agenda. For a copy of the original meeting agenda, please select the PDF agenda option.

To protect the health of the public and limit the potential spread of COVID-19, the City Council Culture and Neighborhood Services Committee will hold this meeting via videoconference. These meeting standards are based upon the various suspended provisions of the Open Meetings Act issued by the Texas Governor in response to the COVID-19 crisis. These modified standards shall remain in place until further notice or until the state disaster declaration expires or is otherwise terminated by the Texas Governor.
The meeting will be available to the public at AT&T channel 99, Grande channel 20, Spectrum channel 21, digital antenna 16, and The meeting will also be available by calling (210) 207-5555 (English and Spanish available).
Members of the public can comment or speak on items on the agenda. To submit comments or sign up to speak, please go to and click on the eComment link associated with the agenda for instructions. Questions relating to the rules on addressing the Committee may be directed to the Office of the City Clerk at (210) 207-7253.
To view the Culture and Neighborhood Services Committee dashboard, please visit
Once a quorum is established, the Culture and Neighborhood Services Committee shall consider the following
1. Approval of the meeting minutes for the May 4, 2021 Culture and Neighborhood Services Committee Meeting.
CNSC Minutes 05.04.2021
Public Comment
Briefing and Possible Action on
2. Culture and Neighborhood Services Committee Dashboard Overview
CNSC Dashboard 06.07.2021
3. Emergency Housing Assistance Program (EHAP) Update. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager, Verónica R. Soto, FAICP, Director, Neighborhood & Housing Services]
Agenda Memo
4. Briefing and discussion of the current status of the FY 2021 Sidewalk Program, a component of the Public Works Department - Infrastructure Management Program (IMP). [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works]
Agenda Memo
5. Briefing and possible actions regarding the next steps associated with the Council Consideration Request establishing a Renters Commission [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; Verónica R. Soto, FAICP, Director, Neighborhood and Housing Services]
Renters Commission Outreach Report
Agenda Memo
At any time during the meeting, the Committee may meet in executive session by videoconference for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
Culture and Neighborhood Services Committee Members Roberto Treviño, Dist. 1, Chair Jada Andrews-Sullivan, Dist. 2 | Rebecca Viagran, Dist. 3 John Courage, Dist. 9 | Clayton Perry, Dist. 10 * Other members of City Council may attend to observe, but not vote, on matters before the Committee.