City of San Antonio

Municipal Utilities

No in-person access to this meeting
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Tuesday, August 24, 2021 10:00 AM Videoconference

To protect the health of the public and limit the potential spread of COVID-19, the Municipal Utilities Committee will hold this meeting via videoconference. These meeting standards are based upon the various suspended provisions of the Open Meetings Act issued by the Texas Governor in response to the COVID-19 crisis. These modified standards shall remain in place until further notice or until the state disaster declaration expires or is otherwise terminated by the Texas Governor.

The meeting will be available to the public at AT&T channel 99, Grande channel 20, Spectrum channel 21, digital antenna 16, and The meeting will also be available by calling (210) 207-5555 (English and Spanish available).

Once a quorum is established, the Municipal Utilities Committee shall consider the following:

Briefing and Possible Action on
Briefing on the history and governance of the City’s municipally owned utilities – CPS Energy and the San Antonio Water System (SAWS)  [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Briefing on Winter Storm URI including the Mayor’s Committee on Emergency Preparedness’ Report and Recommendations [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Briefing on past due amounts for utility delinquencies and disconnection reinstatement plans at CPS Energy and the San Antonio Water System (SAWS); and eligibility of utility assitance under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)  [Ben Gorzell Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer]
Executive Session

At any time during the meeting, the Committee may meet in executive session by videoconference for consultation with the City Attorney's Office concerning attorney client matters under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
Consideration of items for future meetings
Next Scheduled Meeting Date: September 27, 2021
This meeting site is wheelchair accessible. The Accessible Entrance is located at the Municipal Plaza Building / Main Plaza Entrance. Auxiliary Aids and Services, including Deaf interpreters, must be requested forty-eight [48] hours prior to the meeting. For assistance, call (210) 207-7268 or 711 Texas Relay Service for the Deaf.
Intérpretes en español estarán disponibles durante la junta del consejo de la ciudad para los asistentes que lo requieran. También se proveerán intérpretes para los ciudadanos que deseen exponer su punto de vista al consejo de la ciudad. Para más información, llame al (210) 207-7253
Municipal Utilities Committee Members
John Courage, Dist. 9, Chair
Mario Bravo, Dist. 1 | Adriana Rocha Garcia, Dist. 4
Melissa Cabello Havrda | Ana Sandoval, Dist. 7

* Other members of City Council may attend to observe, but not vote, on matters before the Committee.